Chapter 5

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I was now sitting in Dumbledores office and We are having a bit of a staring match.... No one said a word or moved a muscle. Honestly I was scared but I spoke up "Umm professor what is going on I don't understand" I paused,"what was that dream I had and why am I here now?" Dumbledore just looked at me with a sad smile "I can't tell you yet dear but you will know the truth soon" he sighed, "Just know that you have your mothers eyes" With that he sent me back to the dorms. I have so many questions with so little answers. I returned back at my dorm with my questions still running through my head. I walked upstairs and put on my uniform, fumbling with my tie as I walked down the stairs. I ran into someone as I walked down the stairs and fell flat on my but. I'm going to hurt who ever knocked me over! I looked up slowly to see Harry standing there with a worried expression. "I'm so sorry April!"
"It's fine Harry don't worry" i said as I stood up dusting my self off. "How did you sleep?" I asked. "I slept fine April how about you?" "Pretty good actually" He nodded and held my tie and properly tied it for me. I blushed, embarrassed, "Thank you Harry I was having a hard time with it" "No problem" I smiled then a realization came to me "I have to go find the twins!" I ran off, "Bye Harry!" I yelled over my shoulder laughing. I made my way through the halls trying to find the twins. Im so excited to do my first prank at Hogwarts! Little did I know my world was about to change very quickly here.

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