Chapter 4

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The sorting

Chapter 4

We all waited outside the large wooden oak doors. I had just gotten my first look at Hogwarts and it was a dream come true. Harry has already gotten into a small argument with some pale boy who looks like a stupid git. I have a feeling like he's probably going to be a Slytherin. No matter, I hope that I am A Gryffindor.
I have a weird feeling that I'm connected to Gryffindor in some way, but I can't quite place why. My thoughts are interrupted by a very stern looking witch who walked out of the oak doors. She cleared her throat, "We will be starting the sorting ceremony in just a few moments. I am Professor McGonagall, the deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts, as well as head of Gryffindor house."
She smiles softly at me and I smile back. As long as I get Gryffindor I know I'm going to like it here.
Soon we are lead into the Great Hall and I gasp in awe at how beautiful it is. Professor McGonagall started calling names up after the silly sorting hat finished singing its song, I zoned out not caring until she calls Harry.
"Potter, Harry"
I payed close attention as he walked up at sat down.
"Oh the boy who lived I see!" The hat said quickly. I was confused until I remembered what had happened from overhearing mom and dad, that terrible night.
He-who-shall-not-be-named had killed James and Lilly with only Harry to survive, which is when he got his scar.
The hat debated with itself until a loud and clear house name was called.
I cheered and clapped loudly. But quickly my name is called.
"Snow, April"
I look around as people break out in whispered. I ignored them and made my way up to the stool. I sat on the stool and after moments of silence I hear a voice in my head,
"Hmmmm the descendent?"
"Descendent? What do you mean?" I ask the voice.
"I am not to supposed to say child. Please, no interruptions.You are very smart but you have a jokester side to you. Don't go messing with the Weasley twins." I giggle knowing what troublemakers they are.
"Well you are not going to be a Slytherin you're not sly or cunning. You're very smart but not a Ravenclaw. So you have to be..." I've never been so nervous in my life or more relieved when the name was called.
I jumped up and ran to the table and sat beside Harry who gave me a hug creating a great feeling inside. Dumbledore gave his speech and the feast began. I ate my meal but as soon as the desserts popped up and I grabbed as many as I could and ate them as well. After dinner we were lead to the dorms. When we reached Gryffindors we were greeted by a kind lady who loved to sing.
Percy said the code and the painting was opened revealing a large room and staircases.
"Okay so are up these stairs" he gestured towards the stairs furthest away from the door, "and the boys are up there" he pointed and the other set. Everyone ran up to the rooms wanting to choose a bunk first.
I decided on a top bunk In the corner. Another girl suddenly sat on the bottom. I laid down and stuck my head down to see a girl with brunette hair that was a little poofy and the usual Gryffindor robes. "Hi!" she looked up, "I'm April, April Snow"
"Hermione Granger" she stuck her hand out which I shook then swung myself back on bed. I decided I would unpack in the morning and crawled into bed falling into a restless sleep.
I see a women but her face is blurred and it looks like she's crying. Slowly a flash of green starts covering my view. The dream changes and I'm looking up at a man instead and again his face is blurry but he looks close to the girl from before, he's playing with me and smiling. Suddenly I'm alone and can only hear an evil laugh when I wake up screaming.
Hermione wakes up and gets a prefect who leads me to the headmasters office while I'm still covered in cold sweat and shaking.

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