Chapter 1

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Hi my name is April Snow. Just a few days ago I got a letter from Hogwarts. It's a school for witchcraft and wizardry. My parents are muggles but I was adopted. My parents were very powerful wizards at least that is what I have been told. I have never met my father but I can remember my mother. She was killed and I was given to muggles. I remember the flash of green light. I kept myself hidden like my mom had told me to do. I'm excited to go to Hogwarts, meet new friends, go on adventures and (hopefully) become the top student in my class. I am also excited to learn more about my mother and father, to learn how they met and fell in love.

That's everything about my past now onto BOYS! There is this boy that lives down the street from me and I talk to him sometimes. He doesn't come outside to play but he has these green eyes that are so vibrant they seem to glow. He also has this messy dark brown hair that in some lights almost looks black as the night sky. He's so sweet but he doesn't even notice me. I wish he would notice me in school. I feel bad that his cousin always picks on him, I try to stop it but then he just picks on me. The boy that I like name is Harry. I almost feel like I have a connection with Harry since his parents died when he was very little. I only know this because when it came to parents day at our school me and him were the only kids that didnt bring in parents.


I wake up to someone shaking me. I open my eyes slowly and see that it is my 'mom'. Don't get me wrong I still see her as my mom it's just hard calling her mom when I know i'm not actually their child and all. I start to get up when I remember that today is the day we are going to get my school supplies. I excitedly jump out of bed and rush over to my closet. I throw on some jeans and a t-shirt with a jumper before rushing downstairs. I run through the hallway that is lined with family photos and into the kitchen. I lean over and grab a muffin. "Come on let's go!"

My dad laughs at me before getting up "Come on April slow your horses, we have the whole day."

I laugh and slowly walk over to the door proving to my dad that I can move as slow as a snail if needed. My dad laughs and comes up to me and knocks the back of my head. "Oh stop being a smartass April and get your shoes on while I go fetch your mother."

I smile up at him and start to get my shoes on and making sure I double knot them so they don't come undone while we are out walking today.


I was walking down Diagon alley smiling at all the little creachers in the windows. I walk into the wand shop smiling even though it is really dark and creepy in here. I ring the small bell that is on the counter hoping to call the attention of the wand maker. Not long after he bell has been rung the wand maker Mr Ollivander jumps up from behind the counter. Gasping I jump back shocked that he was there the whole time. With a laugh he looks up at me "I always do get a kick out of scaring the first years!"

Ollivander went to the back mutter "I know just the wand" while I stood there confused and honestly flabbergasted. Once Ollivander comes back to the front he hands me a wand. I take it and I feel this rush of power run through me and slowly black dots fill my vision and I fall to the ground of the shop. 

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