Chapter Twenty-One

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"I can't believe we're actually going to do this," Rudy said as the four Gryffindor second years walked down the main stairwell. Lily found it slightly difficult to move due to the four shirts she had on underneath her cloak.

"You better believe it because we-"

"What are we going to do if we see them down there?" Hugo asked, interrupting Lily's sentence.

Lily looked at her cousin with a smirk, "I'm glad you asked, my dear cousin. We're going to wing it. I don't have a plan."

She wasn't surprised when she saw her cousin's jaw drop. It nearly hit the stone step. Lily tried hard to keep from laughing.

"Wing it? Are you serious, Lil?" Eli asked, his eyes practically popping out of his head. "That thing they're meeting out in the forest almost bloody tried to kill me last month. We can't go in without a plan. This can't happen."

"You're bloody mental, Lil," Rudy said, stopping on the step. "I'm sorry, but we aren't-"

"I'm pulling your legs," Lily said, stopping and looking up to her friends who looked at her with wide, terrified eyes. "Do you honestly think I would go in without a plan? Have you met me? And I thought we were all friends."

"Well, you sure sounded pretty convincing there for a second," Eli said, moving down the stairs once more. "I thought you were serious."

"Same," Rudy said, nodding. "I know it's not like you to not have a plan, but you had me fooled."

"I mean, last year, when we went into the forest, we didn't exactly have a plan," Hugo said. "That was kind of winging it, and we all know what happened that night."

Lily stopped and looked up at her cousin, "You know that was different. Molly's life was practically on the line that night. She's family, Hugo. We had to save her."

"She's absolutely irritating though, Lily," he added on. "We should've left her in the forest the night."

"You're insufferable," Lily told him, her words sharp and her eyes narrow. "Molly's family. Family doesn't-"

"I'm pulling your leg, Lil; lighten up," Hugo said with a little laugh. "Merlin, did you think I was serious?"

"Well, you have told me she is your least favorite cousin several times, Hugo," Eli said.

Lily smirked Hugo's way.

"I was there; I heard it as well," Rudy added on.

Lily's smirk grew larger.

Hugo narrowed his eyes his friends, "You aren't helping the situation at hand, idiots."

"I'm starting to pull your leg now, too, Hugo," Lily said, letting her smirk fall into a smile. "I know you didn't mean it entirely."

"I'm pulling your leg, Lil," Hugo said. "I actually-"

"If one of you says 'I'm pulling your leg' one more time, I am going to pull all of your legs off slowly and painfully."

Lily turned around and smiled at Cassie, who was a few feet behind them with a smirk on her face. She had a streak of eye black under each of her dark eyes.

"Nice eye make-up, Cassie," Hugo said. "It's really pulling my leg."

Lily scrunched up her face and shook her head at him, "That doesn't even make any sense, Hugo."

"Have I ever made any sense?" Hugo asked, looking at Lily with a cheeky smile.

She sighed, "No not really."

Lily Potter and the Shadows' MisfortuneWhere stories live. Discover now