Chapter 19 - Charlie

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Ch.19 - Charlie

With long strokes, Charlie paddled through the slow-moving water, taking in the open marsh scenery and exotic wildlife that called the area home. The Everglades never ceased to amaze him and he took advantage of the secluded, five mile trail whenever the opportunity arose. As his kayak pushed through the murky waves, he watched a pair of Wood Storks swoop overhead before landing in the river and scooping up bills full of tiny minnows.

Many people were intimidated by this area off the Gulf Coast. There weren't many places in the world where a person could watch alligators and crocodiles living side by side, or catch an Eastern Cottontail bobcat prowl through billowing plumes of Muhly grass looking for its next meal. But Charlie couldn't get enough. In recent years, he'd incorporated kayak trips into his weekly routine, working out his mind as much as his body. The quiet environment was welcome as he let his thoughts wander over things that had happened in the past and his plans for the future.

When he'd purchased the tandem kayak built for two, he'd hoped Talia would join him on his adventures, but she wasn't a fan of the Everglade experience - at least, not the same way he was. She would take the occasional trip on the air boat with him, safe above the water's surface, but the low-riding kayak was much too close to the darkness that lie underneath. He supposed he couldn't blame her, not after her first introduction to the swampy wetlands. When he'd first shown her the rental property a few years back, she'd fallen through rotten plants on the dock right into the water below. He'd had to lift her to safety before the crocodile that was approaching pulled her under.

Charlie smiled and shook his head. So much had happened since then, their first official meeting. Who would have known they'd end up together, raising a little girl of their own? He's lucky she'd even spoken to him after the incident at the dock, although in his defense he had warned her about the planks of wood that needed replaced. She'd been too absorbed in the beauty and wonder of the water to pay attention to the boards underneath her feet. But "all's well that ends well" his mother would say. It all played a part in how they'd ended up together, and that's all that mattered.

As he paddled, Charlie looked down at the tiny specks of black that flitted through the water between the tall blades of saw-grass. Pushing forward, he steered the boat toward home, aiming it perpendicular to the shoreline. When he was floating in just a few inches of water, he put his best foot forward and stepped out, pulling the kayak to shore.

As he walked toward the house, he shifted his gaze and noticed a silver car parked in the driveway of the rental property. There was a man leaning against the driver's door, one foot propped in front of the other.

The renter already? That's weird. I didn't think he was supposed to be here until later.

Charlie veered off, heading toward the man who was already walking in his direction. When they approached one another, Charlie swiped his hand along the side of his pants, wiping away the moisture from the water.

"Hey there," Charlie said with a smile. The man closed his fingers around the hand Charlie offered, his shake solid and steady. "You must be Mr. Levitt. I'm Charlie Wilson, you've been speaking with my wife, Talia. We live in the house next door." He nodded his head in the direction of their home.

The man returned his smile, the corners of his blue eyes crinkling in response. "I am. Please," he said, "Call me Jackson." He had a smooth, deep voice with just the tiniest hint of southern twang.

"We weren't expecting you quite this early. I'm sorry I wasn't here to greet you. I hope you weren't waiting long." Charlie shifted, blocking out the sun that was shining in his face.

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