Chapter 3

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It has been 5 days since I've seen zoey or teep, or well, anyone in fact. I've been constantly looking over the wall of base camp hoping to catch a sight of them. But they never showed. Zoey was right, I admitted, I shouldn't of tried to kill Duncan, he just made me so, angry. I wanted to apologize, not just to Duncan, but teep and Zoey too. But where are they? “Maybe Duncan would know” I think to myself. I take off all my armor and leave all the items im carrying in a chest except my flying gem. I quickly fly into the air and head towards Duncan's house.

The sun is just setting as I arrive at the back of his castle. I fly around to the entrance and knock. I wait a second before it opens with Duncan already pointing a laser gun at my head. “What do you want.” he says in a already aggravated tone.

“Whoa, whoa, calm down and put the laser gun away. Im completely unarmed” I say as I toss the flying crystal to the ground. “Im here to say im sorry for what happened the other day” I say taking a step back

“Seeing that im unarmed he slowly lowers his laser gun “You came to me to apologize?” he said in a baffled tone. “The great and mighty Rythian apologizing to me! Never thought I’d see the day.” Just as he says that, Zoey walks out from behind him wearing half quantum armor and with a gold crown and a jetpack. And right behind her is teep, with a sniper rifle. I step back in horror as I take in the scene in front of me. Zoey left me for Duncan, again. I quickly grab my flying gem and start to fly off.

“Rythian wait!” I hear Zoey yell at me as she grabs my arm. I quickly yank it way and start to fly off. I turn back to see Zoey flying after me with her jetpack, calling my name, begging me to stop. I keep flying and look back to see she had given up and was retuning, obviously crying. I kept flying till I don't know where I am. Surrounded by forest, I fly down below the trees and start to weep. I feel powerless, like I can't even move. Just getting forced to relive those horride event over and over in my mind. Then I hear a voice. A voice I never heard before calling out to me. I look around and see no one there. But the voice continues, telling me to be at peace. Saying that it is a friend. I look around and still see no one. Then I see them, staring at me.

“You! Stay back you monster!” I yell at the figure. But it keeps getting closer “Stay away from me!” I yell. I try to get up but can't move.

Hannahs POV

I pick up the baby owl that had just fallen from it's nest. “Oh, poor little thing.” I say while nurturing it. I pick it up and carry it back to the owl sanctuary for it to recover “There you go little guy!” I say happily. Then, I Hear the loudest bloodcurdling scream i've ever heard coming from the nearby in the jungle. I pull out my diamond sword and run to where the scream came from. When I get there, I see a few scorch marks on the dirt. I look around and see a black scarf “oh my gosh, thats Rythians!”

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