Chapter 2 - good girl

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Aaron Parker
Goliad City, Texas
20 Miles away from US-Mexico Border
2 Weeks Later

"Hey Aaron, do we got practice today?"

I turn around to see my best friend, John Pherson, come around the corner. He is wearing his jersey untucked from his shirt and a baseball capped only covering half of his brown curls.

"Nah, it's gonna rain according to my phone. Coach never has practice when it rains. Says that it affects the aerodynamics of the football or something," I reply.

"Oh good. I have an assload of homework for math and I still haven't finished that essay for Mr. Estes."

We continue to walk down the hallway as John continues to talk about how much he hates each of his teachers. I love the kid, but man is he a whiner. Eventually the conversation shifts topics.

"Anyway you heard about the new girl?"

"New girl," I reply curiously?

"Yeah the blonde. She is in my Math class, she is pretty hot."

"Name?" I ask. The girls at Goliad High School are not known for their comeliness. A pretty girl was as rare as gold. John had already played about half the girls in the school and the other half were too smart to go out with him so he was anxious for new prey.

"How the hell should I know? I only looked at her tits," He spat out while aggressively licking his lips, "Hey look, there she is right now."

"Don't be rude. Don't point," I say to him quickly. I glance over and see a girl with golden blonde hair, bold hazel eyes, and a body like a greek marble statue.

"Damnn she actually is kinda hot," I whisper to John, "She even hotter than Gina."

"Ha! Dude, anyone is hotter than your ex,"John laughs, "Watch I'm gonna flirt with her."

"Wait don't! Not right here, you're going to make a fool of yourself."

"Watch me, she will be like putty in my hand."

Charlotte Crawford POV

One week into this school and I am already set. All the boys trip over each other as they try to fight for the new girl. The sweet, seemingly innocent, and ridiculously attractive new girl. It's like an animalistic nature with men. They just want to spoil something so pure and so innocent with their body.

Charlotte, with one arm gripping onto a binder at her chest, was walking down the hallway. Goliad High had only a few hundred students, so the hallways were not as crowded as Sherwood Oaks. Charlotte remembered how tight the hallways became at Sherwood and how guys would usually take advantage of the situation to get a quick feel.

Pigs ... all of them.

Charlotte's head then snapped right to glare at a couple of girls pointing at her.

Girls aren't much better though.

Charlotte then felt someone brush against her arm. A blunt force slammed into her causing her to drop her binder. Before she could pick it up a sandy haired boy in a football jersey swooped up and picked it up.

"You dropped this."

How cliche. He probably thinks he the quintessence of a bad boy with his sideways cap, mocking smirk, and untucked jersey. Is he really biting his lip? Bite harder and maybe you'll draw blood.

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