Chapter 3 - OGA

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Charlotte Crawford

Goliad City, Texas

1 Weeks Before

        I am so fucked. There was roughly 20 dollars in change in the car which was all spent in less than a day. Any food that I ate was pickpocketed from a gas station minimart, yet if I take too much and I might get caught. Get caught and the police would be right back on my trail. As for gas, it was pretty simple to find some car alone in a parking lot, crank open the gas panel, stick a tube in and suck out the oil. If you created enough suction and moved your mouth away fast enough the oil would drip out of the tube and into a bucket which I placed right under. Sometimes I wasn't fast enough and would end up with a mouth full of gasoline. Gross.

Charlotte's hair was tied back in a messy pony tail. Her eyes had heavy bags and wrinkles. She laid one land lazily on the steering wheel while another was rummaging through a bag of chips she had stolen earlier. The entire car stank putridly of hair dye and sweat from 7 days of continuous driving.

        Just 20 miles and then I can jump the fence into Mexico. I will probably be the first person crossing border into mexico illegally from the US. 

The small thought gave Charlotte a chuckle. As she continued to drive she saw a small gas station up ahead. Its bright neon signs caused Charlotte to squint.

        I really need to wash or people will smell me and know something is up. Maybe this gas station has a hose or a bathroom with a large sink.

Charlotte pulled up and parked in front of the Gas Station store. She opened the car compartment and slip the 1911 pistol into her jacket pocket. Just in case.  As she walked out of her car, she paused to check the license plate at the trunk.

        Good it's still on. Those screws don't look like they are in the right place, but whatever.

Charlotte had stolen the plate from a car parked in an abandoned parking lot back in Arkansas.

     Whoever owned that car is probably really mad right now, but I don't really care. It was me or him.

As she was looking at the plate, she noticed in the corner of her eye a group of hooded figures hiding the shadow of the building. Huddled in a circle they smoked cigarettes and brandished fingered gestures at each other. Begging not to be noticed, Charlotte looked down and hurried into the store.

    "Bathroom?" asked Charlotte to a bored man reclining behind the store counter.

    "Back to the left, sweetheart," he grumbled.

    "Thanks," replied Charlotte and then she hurried off. She took a detour through an aisle adjacent to the bathroom, but when grabbed the handle the door was locked. Charlotte leaned against the wall and waited.

    All of this just because of a guy. One perverted, sick, hot guy. When I start over I am going to take charge for once.

Finally the door swung open and a broad, muscular man walked out. He had a full black beard and was wearing a baseball cap over some shades. He looked around 30.

    Seriously? Sunglasses this late at night?

The man looked briefly at Charlotte then stopped. Charlotte's heart almost stopped when his eyes fell on her. Charlotte looked down and brushed past him.

    "It's all yours, girl," grumbled the man. His eyes continued to follow Charlotte until Charlotte slammed the door shut.

    Well that was fucking creepy. Oh damn did he recognize me? I am one of the most wanted people in the US right now? No, no calm down, Charlotte, calm down.

But before Charlotte could even begin to clean herself she heard a large CRACK! from outside.  A gunshot! Plunging her hand into her jacket she pulled out her pistol and kicked the door open.

    Fuck did the police find me? Did that man rat me out? Who's shooting? What are they shooting at? They aren't taking me! I'm taking control now!

Charlotte had the gun raised as she peeked over the aisles.The man behind the counter was sprawled over his chair with blood trickling down his chest. A bullet had caught him in the neck. Charlotte heard more gunshots and then the crack of a bullet ricocheting off the wall. Soon the entire store was being lit up with a chorus of gunfire. Charlotte had to lay down on the ground as bullets came from everywhere tearing up the shelves and aisles.

    Guess the police really want me dead. Like for real, they just killed an innocent man.

The gunfire paused. Charlotte could hear someone kicking down the door followed by a few shots. Laying down on the floor, Charlotte hugged closely to the ground with her pistol tucked underneath her hand.

    I will just play dead and then jump up and shoot when they check on my body.

    "¿Dónde está el hijo de puta?" heard Charlotte from behind aisle.

    Spanish? Why are the police speaking Spanish.

    "¡Ya está!"

Charlotte heard another gunshot and then the scream of a man.

    I gotta find out what's going on.

Charlotte peaked out from behind the aisle and saw two hooded figures pointing there guns someone. Those were the same guys from outside. As she looked closer at the man being grabbed, she realized it was the bearded man from the bathroom.

    They aren't police but they still might kill me. Should I make a run for it?

As Charlotte was contemplating, she heard one of the hooded figures speak.

    "Hello Restler, we heard you were snitchin. Decided to pay you visit."

    "Don't know what you are talking about, Loca," grunted Restler. His left arm was soaking in blood. He was limply holding a handgun with his right arm at the two hooded figures.

    "Of course you don't. Anyway I got orders from the boss. Gotta kill you one way or another. Sorry Restler."

Charlotte leaped out from behind the aisle and fired. Her shot missed and zinged off an overhead light. The hooded figures ducked, but as they were turning to see who had shot, Restler pointed his gun at the one called Loca and blasted his chest away. The other one saw the bloodspray and then tumbled through the glass window. As the glass shattered, he crawled back up and ran.

    "Drop the gun, Crawford."

Charlotte's blood turned cold. The bearded man, Wrestler, was now pointing the gun at her.

    "I have to thank you for saving me from the Cartel, but you are going to have to come with me."

    "No you can't do this. I just saved you. Show me a badge you fucking cop!" cried Charlotte, almost on the verge of tears. She had come so far and was now going to get locked away. If anything this was an act of desperation.

    "Not a cop, all I can say is I'm OGA. Now drop the gun before you hurt yourself," said Restler calmly.


    "Other Government Agency. Now, I'm not going to repeat myself. Drop the fucking gun."

Charlotte's hand shook until she finally let the 1911 in her hand clatter to the floor. Restler lowered his gun.

    "Good girl. Now come with me."


    "Am I under arrest?"

Restler smirked causing his beard to twitch up. He took off his sunglasses and bent down to take Charlotte's gun from the floor.

    "No, but you may soon wish you were."

Restler handed the 1911 back to Charlotte.

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