Chapter 7 - date

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Mitch Harrison

Providence, Arkansas

Present day

    What happened to me? That's the first thought that popped into my mind. The next is a torrent of pain and numbness. I look around to see that I'm in a small, white room. Flowers are arrayed next to the bed I am in. I'm in a hospital!

    "Woah, slow down kid," said a voice. I look over to see a nurse tending over a monitor. "You gotta lie down if you want those ribs to heal."

Then suddenly it all comes back. Me holding Ted's body. The pain of being shot three times and the darkness that followed. Most of all Charlotte. That fucking bitch! Only a psycho like her would shoot up a school just because she got her heart broken. I even tried to put her down gently, but she wouldn't stop crying and running away.

    "Ted Lawson," I ask. I don't know what I am expecting, but I have to ask.

    "Dead," replied the nurse. "Along with Stacy Mckenzies and Jennifer Hopper."

Damn not Stacy too. She was actually kind of hot.

    "Where is Charlotte? When is the trial?" I demand. She may have gotten out of a mess one time but she ain't getting out now.

    "Gone," said the nurse. "No one knows where she is."

What? Fuck! I feel the anger rising to my head. I gotta get out of here and find her! But as I try to climb out I feel a sharp pain in my chest. Shit that hurt!

    "Please don't try to get up," said the nurse as she hurried over. "Just lie down. You will be out in a week."

A week! That's a week more of freedom Charlotte doesn't deserve. I swear to god that bitch is going to die for what she did.

Charlotte Crawford(Bella Jordans) POV

    Finally! He's 20 minutes late.

Charlotte rushed to the door but before she could open it James stood in front of her with a shotgun.

    "Shit! Cartel found us! Restler get the M4s and call in backup from Austin Station," shouted James.

    "Calm down James, " Charlotte said. "I have a date."

    "Oh," James said almost disappointedly. "Well I better put this away.

Charlotte shook her head and then ran to the door. She had prepared an hour before wanting to make a good impression. Her makeup was blended to perfection, her eyes were shadowed and lashes mascaraed, and she was wearing a sky blue tank top with a pair of leggings.

    "Looking good, Charlie," said Maria flashing her a thumbs up sign. It was Maria who had helped to buy all this stuff for her.

    "Thanks, Maria," said Charlotte. She opened the door and saw that John was standing there in a black t-shirt and faded jeans.

    Wow, when the boy closes the mouth he actually looks good.

    "You look great," said John. "You ready to go"

    "Yep," said Charlotte. She flipped her hair to one shoulder and took John's hand.

    Ew his hand is sweaty.

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