Chapter 10 - Guy trade

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Mitch Harrison

Providence, Arkansas

Present day

    "Where the fuck is she!" I scream. FBI agent Emir Arafat, with his expression unchanging, raised one arm and set his hand on my shoulder.

    "Son you need to calm down," he said. "Every single Government agency and every single Police Force on the west of the Mississippi is looking for her. There has not been a larger domestic manhunt since the search for John Wilkes Booth."

    "You say that, but you still haven't found her. You better tell your guys to shoot her on sight. She's too fucking dangerous."

I expect Arafat to nod his head and agree but instead, he just chuckles. The man has the nerve to actually chuckle.

    "Not really how the law works, we will make sure you are present at the trial to testify," he replies. "But onto more pressing matters, the reason I am here is to ask about an incident that may have importance on Miss Crawford's actions. I believe you are familiar with an incident involving sexual assault about a year ago?"

My heart skips a beat upon hearing those words. What the fuck! I'm not the one who shot up a school and now he's trying to find out what I did!

    "Are you talking about Ted's?" I ask carefully.

    "Yes, says here that an anonymous phone call tipped off the police that there was an ongoing offense of sexual assault," Arafat said, "But by the time first responders arrived the house was empty of anyone besides Mr. Ted."

    "Yeah, so some punk tried to set him up. Nothing even happened." I can feel a gouging in my throat as he looks at me. He must know what happened or, at least, thinks he knows. It was no big deal though, Charlotte and I had already been dating for six months ... and besides she was moaning with pleasure when it happened. Bitch just had to call the cops. I've read stories like this online, the girl fucks the guy but then later decides she didn't like it and gets him thrown in jail for rape.

    "Ah, but police found signs that some sort of gathering had taken place earlier." I could see a hint of a smirk underneath Arafat's stupid beard. If he weren't a government agent I would've hit him right there.

    "Get to the point," I say indignantly. This guy wants to play games with me when that fucking whore of school shooter is loose. He should be going after her!

    "Why would a beautiful, young cheerleader want to shoot her best friends and her boyfriend?" This time Arafat's smirk is gone and is replaced with a serious expression.

    "You think I did something to her?"

    "I interviewed a lot of people from your school," Arafat continued, "The consensus is that she was shunned from her friends but the reason varies as does most teenage gossip. I believe that something happened at that party which caused someone to tip off the cops and poor Charlotte got all blame for it."

I can't take this anymore. I am the victim! Me, Ted, Stacy, Jennifer! Who does this guy think he is?

    "So," I say with my voice staggering, "What do you think I did." But instead of answering me Arafat stands up and puts on his sunglasses.

"Don't worry kid. We will find her but she may have a few things to say when we do," Arafat then pulled out his cellphone and walked out the door.

Charlotte Crawford (Bella Jordans) POV

        Last night was the worst date of my life, but now I have to live it all again. John decided to sit with Hayleigh at our lunch table and of course Aaron followed them. Now John and Hayleigh are making out in one corner like pair of suction cups while Aaron and I are again awkwardly trying to make a conversation. I could try to talk to Gabby, but she is too busy fawning on how "adorbs" Hayleigh and John are and Annie and Angela are still mad at eachother so it's best not to bother them right now.

    "So you play on the football team?" Charlotte ask Aaron. He jumps up startled.

     "Oh um yeah. I'm a running back. John is our quarterback," he replied quickly.

        "Oh thats nice," Charlotte says. "I use to be a cheerleader at my old school."

        "They had sports on the Navy school?" he asks curiously.

        Oh shit! I'm not suppose to talk about Sherwood.

        "Wasn't really a Navy school," Charlotte said hurriedly. "Just a regular public school outside of the base."

        "Ah," he replies. They both fall silent again. Aaron looks down at his lunch tray while Charlotte glances at John and Hayleigh.

        I have to admit, although John was a dick I am still pissed at Hayleigh for stealing him. What a fake bitch. She acts completely different around him than she did with Aaron. Hell, she changes her personality  depending on the person. With me she's serious, with Aaron she's goofy, and with John she gets all passionate. And with John... I really didn't expect much from him so I guess I can't really be mad but Gabby has been telling me that everyone at school thinks I'm a loser for having Hayleigh steal John from me. Most likely it's just her who thinks that.

        "I gotta go," says Aaron suddenly. He jumps out of his seat and then walked away briskly. Charlotte tilted her head and raise an eye but her confusion was soon answered by a figure walking toward the table.

        "What's up Hayleigh! I see you are with John again!"

        Its her! That latino chick that Aaron freaked out about last night! I really don't see what he saw in her. Her body is alright but her nose is too long and her eyes are too wide set. And ew, she has dead skin on her lip. She could really use some chapstick.

        "Hey Gina," said Hayleigh in between giggles and kisses from John.

        "Wait, I better go find Aaron," said John concerningly. "See you later babe."

        "Ok see ya," said Hayleigh blowing John a kiss. John instead swooped down and kissed her on the lips leaving her in a fit of giggles.

        "Wait, I think I know you," said Gina toward Charlotte. "Oh my gosh, I saw you with Aaron last night are you his girlfriend?"

        Oh boy am I in a predicament. I really don't want to make Aaron look like a loser last night, especially in front of his ex ... I know how it feels. At the same time I don't want the entire school to think I am with Aaron. Also I have only talked to Gina for less than a minute and she is already pissing me off. She talks exactly in the same high pitched, superficial, and exaggerated manner as Stacy does ... did.

        "Yes I am," said Charlotte defiantly. "I heard you use to date him. Well it's a shame, he is such a catch." Charlotte flung back her hair and narrowed her eyes at Gina.

        "Oh thats nice," she replies softly. "He was difficult but I can see how you two click."

        "What the hell is that suppose to mean?" asked Charlotte angrily. Her hand fidgeted and went to her side.

        "Nothing," she said flippantly. "Well it was ... interesting meeting you, laters." Charlotte fumed and stabbed at her soggy school pizza with a fork. It was then, Charlotte realized that Hayleigh, Gabby, Annie, and Angela were all staring at her.   

        "What!" she almost screamed at them.

        "Your dating Aaron?" exclaimed Gabby excitedly. She jumped up and down on her seat excitedly.

        "I am now," replied Charlotte. She leaned back from the table and tossed the lunch tray at a nearby trash bin. "Hayleigh and I traded guys."

        As the entire table laughed, Charlotte got up from her seat and walked out the hall.

        I gotta find Aaron!

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