A fault in the Mask.

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Kyoya's P.O.V.

I felt her cold glare burn into me as I made it to my own class. It was without a doubt obvious that she despised the engagement issue. After all, with me finding her quite amusing I knew she hated me only more.

It wouldn't be much of a surprise if she begged our father's to let her out of what she called 'Hell' or perhaps, she was just flustered. The bell rang and I knew Tamaki would be at my side in minor seconds.

Sure enough, Tamaki walks over to me with a wide smile. "Your here early, that's unlike you."

"Just woke a couple hours early.." I have a fake smile.

"I guess so. Anyways...are you ready for the test in here? Heard it's really big on the grade..."

I nodded softly entering the class room behind Tamaki and glancing around, the teacher giving a warm nod to the two.

"Anyway...you remember the theme for today, right? Buinessman?"

I chuckled softly and glanced to the blonde. "How could I forget?"

Tamaki beamed as the bell rang and student's began to fill the room.

Nami's P.O.V.

I sigh softly and walk into class, trying hard to clear my mind of the raven haired jackass. I dreaded this. Being engaged to him was like pure hell. How would Mori react?

Mori and I were once a couple a few years back, never intimate but a very loving couple. I didn't want to upset him, even if we aren't a couple anymore. Haruhi walks into the class and smiles when she see's me.

"Nami, your here early." Her voice was muffled. I nod and glance to her, she looked half awake and toast was hanging from her mouth.

I guess she could notice the anger in my eyes because she took the toast out of her mouth and gave me a worried glance. "Hey...is everything alright?"

"Yea....everything's fine. Just tired is all."

The other student's come in and the class begins, it feels like hours and hours before the bell rings, signaling that Haruhi and I could go to Music Room #3.

We make our way down there and I remind myself not to open my mouth when the door opens, last time I nearly choked to death on rose petals. We walk in and I stand there confused. Tamaki and the other Host are wearing black suits and have suitcases with them.

I make out Kyoya speaking to a young lady at a table, he has a warm smile and she seems to be charmed. I don't know how. Kyoya wasn't anything to charming, just a selfish dick who cared for himself.

Tamaki smiled when he see's me. "Nami!"

I smile and try to ignore the glance from Kyoya, had he told them? I'd murder him...I wanted to get out of this engagement while I could.

"I'm glad you decided to come. Some guys already requested you.." I give a forced smile and nod, I didn't want to flirt with any man from this school except Ky-nobody. The twins loop their arms around my waist making me jump slightly.

"Ha! You got scared?" Hikaru titled his head and laughed. I slap their hands away and walk over to a man with brown hair and warm eyes, I had to admit he was kinda handsome.

"I'm guessing your Nami?" I nod to the man and smile softly, sitting down in the chair. He returns the smile and glanced around.

"I hadn't expected the Host Club to allow female members until then again, for the longest time we hadn't known Haruhi was one. Though, I feel like it's a good step up for the Host." He was spinning his finger along the rim of his tea cup, not gazing up from it. He must have been nervous and I gave a chuckle in response.

"I agree completely. Besides, I believe man should be able to receive the same treatment as the lady guest here. He looked up and gave a small chuckle. Was I doing well?

The conversation went on quite well until my laughing was cut short by the raven haired boy standing before us.

"I am so terribly sorry to intrude on such a sweet conversation between the two of you but you wouldn't mind if I spoke to Miss. Nami for just a moment? Host business."

Before, the man can speak I'm whisked off by the arm and dragged off. "K-what is wrong with you?" I ask annoyed, glaring up at him. He was a good foot taller then me and it always somewhat intimidated me.

"We are engaged, are we not?" His eyes are cold and staring ahead. I was a bit scared but tried to not show it.

"You haven't gave the message yet and we aren't married...besides, this engagement isn't by your ask but by will. I believe I shall have the right to flirt for this club until the wedding comes...." He didn't say a single thing but I heard a heavy sigh and glanced up to him.

Instead we walked out of the door and roamed the halls before he finally spoke. "Then I'll tell everyone we are engaged." I smirked slightly and tapped my chin.

"Kyo...are you jealous? How rich..." I burst into laughter before he glared at me.

"I'm not jealous....far from it but if I am to be engaged to you I would appreciate if you wouldn't arouse another man." I nearly choke from his words, arouse..?

"Are you serious? Arouse is sexually trying to turn a man on and may I remind you that you yourself were flirting with a Guest earlier...besides we are not married and this engagement is against will. We have no feelings for each other otherwise!" I'm shocked at the words that escape but they feel so good to say.Until what happens...

His hand slames behind me and into the walls and I'm cowering up against it as he towers over me, eyes blazing into my soul.

"That isn't any point to this conversation and you know this as well as I do. This engagement might be against our will but that doesn't mean until our wedding we decide its okay to flirt about and such. Club or not, I've heard about your plans with Renge, you want out of this engagement so badly, run far from it or take your own life. Until then, don't expect me not to act like this engagement never happened! This is for our family and their estate. I know you wouldn't dare anger or go against your father and nor would I! Besides who said I didn't have f-" He stopped himself sighed and backed away from me, taking his glasses off and running a hand over his face annoyed. "Let's just get back to the Host Club...."

I nod quickly and follow him until we get to the room, I can barley walk my legs were shaking and my head pounding. Once inside he vanished from my side and I sighed....what had I done?

Trials and Hardships (Kyoya Ootori OHSHC) (Not Finished) Where stories live. Discover now