Maybe not so bad

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Kyoya's P.O.V.

I couldn't pull away from this, it was something I longed for years. I didn't need it to mean anything for her, not at the moment at least. But she kissed back and I found that glimmer of hope that I knew was a taunting reminder but why was it so pleasurable, why do I crave the feeling? Even if it is just a painful reminder. When we pulled away I tried to find any information stored deep in those orbs of hers, some little glimmer.

"I--" she began but just stopped, looking at me with a breathless sigh and reddish face.

It takes every little ounce of common sense in me not to kiss her again, and my god it's hard. She draws a very deep breath and I prepare myself for the worst.

"If we are to be engaged then I want to just...go slow, to figure out what I actually feel for you. I know you understand what I mean and I'm not saying I'm breaking this engagement I just need.. time and no pressure."

My eyes widened at her words but I felt a smile creep to my lips. So the engagement wasn't cancelled.

"You know I understand and I promise I will give you as much time and patience as our fathers will allow."

Her smile warmed my heart and she punched my shoulder lightly. "Thanks Kyo...we should head back, it's getting late and the Club is either spying on us..." We heard a sudden gulp then frantic whispering. "Or they just might die for doing so." I answered back as we watched Tamaki scramble around as the twins tried to pull him down to make them less noticed.

"Let's head back." She mumbled putting her painting away then taking my hand.

Nami's P.O.V.

I walked with Kyoya out of the room, his hand in mine. Even though I knew better there was still that little voice in my head telling me to despise him.

I couldn't though and as much as it doesn't add up I truly didn't mind. I guess I just had to see a bit behind his façade to know he isn't what he seems.

I'd never be able to describe Kyoya, not with any perfectly right words. He was complex inside that façade and out. Mysterious, intimidating, highly intellectual, confusing, sly, a king at multiple subjects. I look up at him and try to find the true color behind his eyes but that façade is pure for now, though I can see the tiniest smile on his lips.

Once in the Host Club they were all flailed over each other as if they weren't spying on us previously.

"Way to attempt and play off your sins." I comment, crossing my arms and putting on an annoyed expression.

"Have you idiots any better to do them pester someone's own personal affairs? There is plenty to be done here and yet you idiots choose otherwise. Tch, annoying brats." ((LEVI SAYING 😝))

Tamaki hangs his head like a punished dog and we here a chorus of sorry. I can't hold it in and burst into a fit of laughter and not long after, Kyoya joins in.

Their faces are priceless, they look confused then annoyed when they notice we weren't actually mad.

"You guys.. truly are..idiots..." I spew between fits of laughter.

I hear Karou lean into his brother and whisper. "Kyoya's affected her far to much. It's scary." Hikaru smirks and looks straight at me while saying. "That only makes sense. She's his Shadow Queen."

I feel a warm blush spread on my cheeks them Kyoya's arm lace around my side. "I tend to keep it that way." Kyoya answers and I mentally scream. Damn these richer bastards and their ability's to make me blush.

Tamaki claps his hands. "Well club is done, we should go out!" I try to agree but Kyoya cuts me off. "I'd prefer to tend to her myself tonight, Suoh.. we'll see you tomorrow."

My mouth opens and closes like a fish desperately gasping for water. Did Kyoya just say he was taking me out tonight? Oh... What have I gotten myself into?

Trials and Hardships (Kyoya Ootori OHSHC) (Not Finished) Where stories live. Discover now