Coffee Dates with Satan

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Nami's P.O.V.

The sun peaked through the blinds and I sat up, stretching as I looked down at Kyoya, curled up into the blankets. I smiled and leaned down, planting a kiss on his nose.

I watched his face scrunch before all of a sudden, he pulled me down to his chest. I laughed softly and ran my hand through his hair. ", wake up.."

He groaned and turned us to a spooning position and I rolled my eyes as I leaned into his comfort. He never was a light sleeper.

A loud ring ruined our peace and he turned, mumbling under his breath annoyed before blinking.

"It's my father..." He spoke and I sat up raising an eyebrow. He answered and I tried to listen to the muffled voice and read Kyoya's expressions.

He hung up and let his eyes flicker to me and I blinked. "Kyo...what's going on?"

"My father wants to meet us at the Café at three sharp." I nod, it had to be about wedding planning.

He runs a hand through his hair to fix it as I hand him his glasses. I yawned and fixed my hair as he glanced over at me, smiling softly.

"You're so cute in my shirt.." he muttered and I puff my cheeks out and pout, trying to hide my smile as he kissed my cheek. He then stood and I did everything to not marvel at his chest.

I rub my arms down my legs as I watch him before falling back on the bed, throwing my legs and arms up. I see him chuckle and roll his eyes out of the corner of my eye as he dresses for later.

"Get dressed..." I puff my cheeks again before exhaling heavily and grudgingly standing. I really wasn't so keen on having to get up from my comfort and warmth.

I go to the closet and pull out a dark purple skirt and black button down, nodding to myself before slipping off his shirt, trying to avoid his obvious smirk.

I then turn once changed and look up at him with pleading eyes. "Do we really have to go, Kyo? Can't we stay in bed and make an excuse?" His eyes flicker down to mine in a sympathetic expression.

"As wonderful as that does sound love, you know we can't. My father couldn't care less about how sick or injured we are...he only cares about the power and marriage."

I groan in defeat and sit on the bed and pull on my shoes. "I just really don't want to leave..."

He chuckled and kissed my lips tenderly, smiling sympathetically and enough to make me weak. "I promise it won't take long and we'll be able to relax."

I nod and grab my bag off the door handle and follow him out, seeing a limo already waiting for us from the balcony window.

I glance up to Kyoya and see  expressions I have not seen in years. Fear and anxiety. Two I knew he hid well. Nobody would expect the handsome youngest son to have any emotion so weak residing in him but it did glued to his soul, trying everything to consume him. The last time I had ever seen such fear was when he would sneak out after his father's harsh beatings to see me or after our big fall out.

I couldn't help but let my hand glide over to his and give it a light squeeze of reassurance. The corner of his lips curled slightly before we were met with the limo diver, holding the door out to us.

"Greetings Mister Kyoya, Mistress Nami." he chirped as we got situated.

"To you as well Morotankishi." I heard Kyoya speak, his voice wavering to hide his fear. He didn't want to look scared in front of me..he knew I was so he wanted to reassure me.

He had every right to be scared, his father was an intimidating man. Some one who put a lot of scars on the boy and made him such the stone and 'Perfect' son society knew him as.

I looked out the window, watching the colors of the spring pass by and didn't notice Kyoya's hand on my knee, trying to calm it shaking.

Was I shaking? I looked down and noticed the slight tremble in his hand and my leg and could only know we both felt that sickly pit in our stomachs as we grew closer.

I looked up at him and cupped his cheeks bringing his lips upon mine, he raised a hand to brush through my hair and I smiled softly.

He pulled away and sighed, resting his forehead against mine. "I love you." I muttered and saw a quick glimpse of love in his eyes as he said it back.

The limo came to a stop, the door opening and I weakly stepped out, feeling my knees go weak and took Kyoya's hand for support.

We were led to the door before walking in, finding Yoshio almost immediately. He walked over, looking down us with a pleasant smile I knew wasn't quite real.

"I see you two have finally arrived. Good now let us get situated, shall we?"

I followed the man with Kyoya and felt light headed. I never fully trusted Yoshio ever...he would do whatever it took for power and friendship between companies.

We were led to a reserved room and sat down, facing his father as Kyoya and I sat opposite of him.

Once we ordered our drinks he leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms, I felt like I was having coffee dates with Satan.

"As you two know well, you have been engaged for some time. Waiting for Mr. Shirihata and I to give further notice. Now, recently we have discussed and have found the best plan through this."

I nodded slowly, letting my coffee's warmth ease my fear. The sickly sweet smile made it obvious something was happening and I was damn positive it would be something I hated.

He took a sip of his coffee before leaning forwards, resting his head on the back of his hands before saying words that made my heart stop and made me sick to my stomach.

"The engagement is off."

Trials and Hardships (Kyoya Ootori OHSHC) (Not Finished) Where stories live. Discover now