What am I to you?

441 17 3

Nami's P.O.V.

I stop in mid stroke, narrowing my eyes towards the door. "Yes, of course you did. Are you here to patronize me about this engagement, again?"

"No, not exactly. Hunni is in fact the reason I'm in here in the first place." I could hear just the slightest confusion laced in his voice.

'Of course Hunni told him too come see me.' I think as I continue back to the painting, light soft strokes, filling color into a Grey dull world. I can sense him studying the painting until he makes a hum.

"You always were an impeccable artist.. " he murmurs, eyes glancing for every fine detail.

"And you were always amazing at being an asshole...."

"I'm trying to be nice here..."

I spin around on my stool slamming the paintbrush against the small table next to me, before standing.

"Don't you dare act like nothing happened earlier. I don't want to speak to you unless needed... I may be getting married to you against my will but I am not going to be a woman who hides her true feelings to please my husband. I don't care if my father despises me, he already does and you know that. Ever since her death, I may be a Female and you men think we have to be fools and fragile. This isn't your fantasy. I will speak the word's I always wanted to say. You are a jackass. You don't care for me, you just want money and fame for your company, don't act like you care about this wedding because of love. It's bad enough that I am engaged to you..."

I saw a face I never thought I'd see on him, it was almost sad, confused. He didn't look at me but instead traced his fingers over the table.

"I know we don't have the best past and I'm sorry but you know as much as I do that I can't change that. We're engaged though and that isn't my doing. If we're to be engaged, don't you think it's better to at least act like we somewhat care for each other in public? Besides, we can't change this Nami, even if you want to. Now, please understand this..."

His eyes flick up to me and I sigh turning around and continuing to paint. I hear him sigh heavily before he walks over. He doesn't say a word but sets up his own painting next to me.

"Look, Kyo...I don't know what I feel for you. We've had a long bad past and I don't know if I can throw that away and force myself to look happy because of an engagement. I mean, wouldn't you be happier if none of this was happening? I mean, you never wanted to marry anyways.."

"You tried to use Renge as an excuse to get you out of this, can't you just accept the fact like I have?"

I glare at him "Well she seems to have eyes on you..."

"Is she engaged to me?" he ask flashing a smirk, only making me wonder why the devil made him the demon spawn.

"She could be..." I mutter, wondering what Renge had in mind besides, you think she'd move on after his camera incident.

"She isn't going to be, our families won't drop this engagement. Get used to that. Your not a kid anymore, time to accept this. Not everything goes our way trust me, I should know..." I see him look down slightly. "That's the point of being born into a company, nothing goes our way... But don't disappoint your father, your an only child and that company will be passed down to you....take it from someone who has two elder siblings...setting off your father is a terrible decision."

Part of me becomes worried and I set a hand on his shoulder. "What are you trying to tell me?"

He sighs and looks at his painting, murmuring. "Let's just say speaking isn't the only punishment.."

My eyes widened and I spin to face him. "Your abused?!" I didn't think Yoshio still kept that up.

Was this why he was always so cruel besides our past? He was abused, I knew Yoshio was strict but I didn't think he'd go as far as to beat his youngest to this day still. Kyoya was always the smartest out of his sons, that I could see. He did everything to prove worthy to his father and it still isn't enough.

Instantly I hugged him, feeling terrible. It dawned on me, I didn't hate him nor did he hate me. He never meant to hurt me or confuse me, it was a because of his father. He hid behind a facade to hide his actual pain. I was so cruel. "I'm sorry... I am so sorry, Kyoya."

We stared at each other and slowly I found myself leaning in. Then it happened, our lips met and we kissed, something that hasn't happened for years.

I didn't hate Kyoya in fact, I might have feelings for him..

Trials and Hardships (Kyoya Ootori OHSHC) (Not Finished) Where stories live. Discover now