The Date

361 11 15

Kyoya's P.O.V.

I smile at her lightly as we gather our belongings to leave. I can tell she's nervous by my words. Tamaki turns to me one last time as they gathered at the doors. "Are you sure you don't want to tag along?" Haruhi ask as I see Nami about to speak and cut her off quickly. "We're sure. Do have fun though." I say and smirk at Nami's defeated expression.

"Are you ready to go? It'll be better if we hurry now." She looks over to me as she throws her back over her shoulder.

"Where are we even going?" She ask me in slight disbelief. I shake my head and open the door for her. "Tsk, I can't's a surprise. Hope you don't mind." She looks at me annoyed and answers sarcastically. "No...not at all."

I chuckle as we make it towards the school grounds. I had the place in mind but of course, I wasn't going to tell her where, that was the surprise of it. The clock tower of the school ground rings out and I look up at it. 7:00 pm. The breeze slightly whips hr hair around and I can't help but catch glimpses.

She was beautiful, especially in this weather. Her pulled back bun have little black strands fall out onto her face. The cute little annoyed expression she carried as we got close to the limo. The way her button nose slowly grew red from the cold.

I open the limo door for her and she steps in hesitantly, trying to get herself comfortable in the cold car. I step in on my side and turn the heat on, glancing to her.

"Why are you so worried? You'll like where we're going." She nodded slowly. And I ruffle her hair until she slaps my hand away.

"I'm worried because you're intimidating as all hell. God only knows what you're planning."

I glanced at her, putting on a fake wounded expression. "Hurtful. My own fiancè, scared of me." She punched my arm softly. "Knock it off. And, why haven't we left yet? I thought you wanted to -" I cut her off by placing a black blindfold around her eyes, making sure she wasn't going to see.

"Oh...and you tell me not to be scared! This really helps!" I laugh and begin to drive, feeling the aura of fear emitting from her.

We drive for a while, mainly in silence or her little whimpers or jagged breaths cut through. Finally, I begin to see our destination and smile proudly. She loved this place and I know she will when it's empty. When I park I turn to her with a smile, even though she can't see it.

"I need you to take off your shoes." I say and silence fills the car afterwards. "Take off my- Why?!" She ask her voice laced in fear.

"Trust me."

"I don't trust you!" She barks back and I sigh.

"Just take off your shoes...please?"

She looks towards at me annoyed. "I thought it was obvious that I can't see because of your antics and I'm wearing heels."

I look over at her in disbelief. "I thought you were a woman, aren't they all like super good at everything?!"

"No..we're not super good at everything!" She answers back as she bends to try and find the buckle to her heels. Surprisingly, she gets them off pretty smoothy.

"If you make me step on like a floor of Legos or tacks I swear-" I cut her off by the sound of her door opening. She hesitantly steps out to feel concrete.

"Okay...nothing weird yet." She comments as I lead her forward until we get to the sand. We take on step and I feel her instantly relax and tears off the blindfold to see the sparkling ocean.

"OHMYFLYINGSHEEPONASHIP!" She squeals running off as I try to follow.

"Happy Birthday..." I mutter with a smile as I follow behind her.

Nami's P.O.V.

My eyes widen at the familiar sights of what I use to call my sanctuary when it wasn't his arms.

I run forward and instantly dive into the water, bobbing up with a smile.

"Come on! Get in here!" I call out to him who's watching me with a smile. He sighs and walks in until it's up to his ankles.

"Not good enough!" I whine, swimming over to him. "Oh well, it's the closet you're getting."

I smirk as a plan forms in my mind and I take no time to think before doing. I grab his sleeve of his shirt and drag him, making us both fall into the cool waters. He pops out and glares at me. I laugh and fix his hair back. "Ah, don't be mad at me. I think the ocean really compliments your eyes." He rolled his eyes and snaked an arm around my waist pulling me close to him.

"Kyo...?" Before I can say anything else, his lips crash against mind and I'm held silent as I begin to kiss back. When he pulls away and knows I'm a flustered mess he smiles lightly at me.
"Happy birthday, Nami."

Trials and Hardships (Kyoya Ootori OHSHC) (Not Finished) Where stories live. Discover now