Badboys Can Cry Too

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Carter's pov:

I rest my face in the crock of Britney's neck while I inhale her sweet scent, waiting for Jake to start talking

"okay so Lexi and Britney, the boys and I would like to share our stories with you, now you guys don't have to share yours if you have one but if you want too you can"

I see Jake look around the room till his eyes lock on Lexi and she gives him smile, Aww they're so cute.

Jake asks who wants to go first so Brody gets up and Jake takes a seat pulling Lexi on to his lap, while she carefully leans into his awaiting embrace.

Brody's pov:

I get up and sit on the coffee table so everyone's able to see me, Looking around the room I know I couldn't be more happier then I already am. I know I can trust them, they're my family.

*deep breaths

"I had an older brother, Kyle. He was everything to me, he was my idol. He played football for school and every game he played I always made sure I was there to support him.......

It happened the night of the big finals, we were happy full of excitement and joy, we had just won the championships!

My brother deserved the win. And obviously there was a big party, and the Callaster brothers were the ones throwing it.

Kyle being the best brother ever snuck me out the house when our parents fell asleep"

I chuckle at the memory of him trying to sneak me out, I turn my attention back to the others and carry on.

"Kyle pulled up to the house and man was it jam packed, it was my first and last party I went to before I meet these guys"

I blink back the tears threatening to escape, I feel small soft hands caressing mine and look up to find Lexi staring at me with pain.

She reaches her hand out gently squeezing my shoulder, giving me the little bit of comfort I need to continue

"Everything was fine till the cops showed up and we had to run, me and Kyle ran straight for the car just like some others, while the rest jumped fences.

Kyle hadn't been drinking cause I was with him so he was good driving back. I thought we were okay, but I was wrong"

*flash back
"Bro we need to go cops on their way common", I bolted out the house and ran straight to his car.

Looking outside the widows I can see people jumping fences and running around crazy. Few minutes later we are at least a few streets away from the Callaster, I decide it's okay to speak

"Hey Kyle, I just wanted to say thanks for letting me go with you, and for always being there for me, you're the best big brother ever"

I say with honesty, he stops the car due to the red light displayed in front of us and turns to me saying

"you're my little brother, I'll be here for you always, I love you little bro" he says with a big smile.

Just when I was about to tell him I loved him too, I felt my lungs being ripped out of me, all I feel is pain and I closed my eyes letting darkness surround me.

*end of flashback

"We were waiting at the traffic light when all of a sudden a car smacked into us from behind sending our car into another, causing a big mess.

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