Aftermath and Troye Sivan

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I could after this, launch into how I texted him and asked him out and how he agreed and how we lived happily ever after but to be honest, I would be kidding myself. What actually happened was that he came over to Kian and mine's apartment for a drink and dinner and I remember him and I spending the night talking and getting to know each both before he picked up his guitar and started to sing "Moments" by One Direction to me and to be honest, it is something I love remembering about him and that was him singing. I think to be honest it was the way his voice sent shivers down my spine and how flawlessly beautiful it was. One lyric from that song still haunt me today and it brings back memories of what happened afterwards. That lyric is "My heart is breathing for this moment in time" and I suppose at the time, I thought something could happen and I thought he really liked me but sometimes life tricks you and sometimes you go along with the trick until it starts to break you and shatters you. And that is exactly what happened to me. This I shall explain and I will finally reveal to you the person who tore me apart and shattered my life into pieces.

After this night, we started to talk frequently everyday until he was the only person I was talking to from when I awoke to when I fall asleep. And I know that sounds incredibly cliché and sounds like I was falling pretty hard and to be honest with you, I did fall really hard for him. I remember one night after talking to him until 3am me realising that I was in fact in love with him. I was in love with a person who I cheated on Kian with and the person who I had just met only a short time ago. I was in love with a boy name Troye Sivan and I knew that this would change a lot between us. Little did I know it would change my life more than I previously expected and little did I know what was lurking in the dark shadows of his life and how the darkness would slowly encase me until it left me shattered and broken without a way out. I remember the night I told Troye that I believed that I was in love with him and his response so vividly that I can remember the exact moment I knew my world had been spun upside down, shaken up and shattered. This is how Troye Sivan encased me in an unknown darkness and shattered my life into the pieces that I see today.

Shattering me: A Tronnor and Konner Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now