Finally actually falling

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I remember feeling betrayed and humiliated that I let him lead me on that far and I remember as I mentioned, everything shattering at my feet. I remember I locked myself in my room for weeks on end trying to comprehend what happened with Troye and how I had got myself in so deep with a person who I barely knew while also trying to find a stable ground where I didn't feel like I was walking on broken glass and shattered remains of my life that once use to be stable and had a purpose. I spent many nights wide awake just staring at the wall until one night everything became way too much and I decided that enough was enough. Remember when I mentioned at the beginning of this that with one push, everything could fall and honestly, I would fall with it? This night was the night I fell and without Kian and J.C, I would have been honestly dead. I will explain.

It was just like any of the previous nights but this night, Troye after not talking to me for nearly three months at this point texted me. He texted me: "Hey. I want to apologize for what happened all that time ago. I wasn't thinking and I really was not in the best space at that time. I really am sorry Connor. Would you forgive me? It would really mean a lot and I really hope we could go back to what we had at the beginning of this before everything changed. I really miss you" I remember replying with three words before I smashed my phone against the wall and watched it shatter into a thousand pieces. I remember typing: "Go fuck yourself" before I threw my phone. I knew what I needed to do. I wrote a final note to Kian, found all the pills in my apartment and took them all and waited. Have you ever tried to commit suicide? It's not something I would recommend as a way out because it honestly leaves you more broken than previously. I remember the last thought that ran through my mind was "My love for you was bulletproof but you're the one who shot me." From Pierce the Veil because that is exactly what Troye did. He shot me and shattered me. And I knew there was no coming back.

Shattering me: A Tronnor and Konner Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now