Kian and waking up

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Have you ever woken up to your best friend yelling at you to wake up and shaking you until started to cough up everything you tried to kill yourself with? I'm guessing the answer to that is No in your case but that's exactly what happened to me. I remember Kian shaking me harder than I had ever been shaken and feeling his tears dropping constantly onto my face as he tried to wake me up. To be quite honest with you, it's one of the weirdest and hardest things I have ever had to face in my life and to be honest, I never want to go back to that place again. I remember I woke up coughing and I sat on my floor crying and hugging Kian until the morning sun broke through my windows. That exact moment drew Kian and I closer together and to be honest as I think about this now, I can feel the tears falling silently down my cheeks because I know that without the constant support and love of Kian, I would have probably killed myself and I wouldn't be sitting here telling and narrating this story. Kian is the reason I am still here and I have him to thank. And as I do think and start to end this story, I do wonder what actually happened to Troye. I still do constantly see him releasing new music and videos but to be honest, he shattered me to the point that I just couldn't go back to him and I couldn't do it anymore. And I suppose sometimes you have to get shattered to find what you really need in your life. And I suppose that's exactly what Troye did. He taught me what was important in my life and to be honest, that involves Kian. As I finish this, I am going to end this on the note I wrote Kian the night I fell off the edge and the night that changed and shattered me. 

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