How You Hug

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Steve loves hugs, so it's a good thing you love them too. Some days whenever you feel sad, stressed, bored or even happy, you can always count on Steve to give you the perfect hug.

Since he's taller than you, you'll stand on your tip toes and wrap your arms around his neck, while his arms go around your lower back in a warm embrace. 


Tony seems to think hugs are a waste of time, and if he wants any type of affection for you, it would be a kiss.

But, despite Tony's stubborness, you manage to sneak a couple of hugs from him once and a while. Whenever he's working, you'll just come up behind him and hug him. Sometimes he doesn't even notice, but usually, he'll turn around and start kissing you.


Thor is so much taller then you, it became a trial and error to figure out what type of hugging suited you best.

Whenever you hug, it's often because you haven't seen him for a while, so you'll run to him and jump on him. Of course, he catches you, and you wrap your legs around his waist, and your arm's around his neck. He usually puts his arms around your waist, and the two of you will hug like this until it leads to kissing. And then kissing will lead to...


You thought it was going to be something else didn't you?? Your dirty little mind! *shakes finger scoldingly*


Loki might not seem like he loves hugs, but he really does.

When the two of you hug, it's like something out of a movie scene. You'll nuzzle your face in his chest and wrap your arms around his waist, while he buries his face in the crook of your neck and smells the scent of your shampoo radiating off of your hair.


The two of you hug all the time.

Non stop.

All day, everyday.

Literally whenever you two are seen together, Clint has his arm around you in some way.

When you give real hugs though, like when either of you feel stressed and just need a hug, you'll stand on your tip toes and put your head on his shoulder, with your arms around his upper waist. He'll put his arm's on your hips, and you'll usually just sway like that until you feel better.


The pair of you love to hug, but nobody would know it because they've probably never seen you do it in public.

I mean, you're an extremely successful Harvard professor and he's a world class scientist and not to mention superhero. You can't hug around people or they might start fangirling (or fanboying, whichever).

When the pair of you do hug, Bruce will wrap his arms entirely around the upper half of your body, and you'll put your arms around his waist and place your hands on his back.

You'll often just close your eye's and stay like that for a while.


You aren't really into hugs, but Pietro is, which usually ends very unfortunately for you.

You'll just be walking, minding your own business, when Pietro will speed by and literally sweep you off your feet, and he'll cradle you in his arms, refusing to let you down until you hug him. When you finally do, he'll put you down and wrap his arms around your waist, while you have yours on his neck. He'll then lift you up and spin you around, and at that point you don't even deny it.

You love your Pie hugs.


Bucky is sometimes scared he'll hurt you when the two of you hug, because of his arm, but you assure him he won't.

You'll just come up to him and hug him at random points in the day, and won't let go until he really hugs you back. When he does, he'll wrap both his arms around your back, and you'll smile to yourself when you feel him hug you tighter, and you know he'll never let you go.

Avengers: Preferences and ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora