(Imagine #9) Steve: Promises

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Requested by Capsbestgirl

The sound of the grandfather clock in the living room chiming midnight is what awoke you from your peaceful slumber, echoing throughout your apartment. You opened your eyes and got up out of bed, wrapping a blanket around you. The clock wouldn't stop ringing, so you waddled into the living room as best you could with your eight month pregnant belly. You approached the clock, tapping it with your index finger, and it stopped ringing. It was 12:18, but despite this early time someone knocked on the door, causing you to jump. You glanced down at your belly.

"Who could that be, huh? Do you know?" The baby kicked in reply and you chuckled lightly. The knocking started again, louder this time, and you froze. You were an ex-HYDRA agent and a current SHIELD agent (although you were on maternity leave), so your extincts could automatically alert you when something wasn't quite right. You grabbed a baseball bat that you kept amongst the umbrellas for occasions just like these. Your fiancee, Steve, was currently out on a mission, so thoughts of one of his SHIELD partners coming with you of news that he hadnt made it back ran through your head, making you even more nervous than you were before.

You walked slowly up to the door, still gripping the baseball bat, and turned the door knob.

You were expecting a psycho killer or a burglar, but you opened the door to reveal Steve. His expression was serious as he stared at the ground, one of his hands placed on the edge of the doorway and the other placed behind his neck.

He looked up to face you, his blue eyes locking with yours. "(Y/N)..."

You smiled at him, feeling happy tears slip out of your eyes. Damn pregnancy hormones. You ran to Steve, your arms going around his neck as you kissed him, missing the feeling of his lips on yours.

He seemed surprised at first and tensed up. but eventually kissed back. It was short lived though, and Steve pulled away. Only when you ushered him to the apartment and turned on the lights did you see he had a large bloody gash on his shoulder.

You gasped. "Steve, oh my God! What happened? Why didn't you get fixed up back at the base?!"

Steve shook his head. "The medical unit was already so overwhelmed with injured agents, I didn't want them to have any more than they needed. Besides, compared to most of the people there, I'm in tip top shape."

You rushed over to the cabinet and got a first aid kit and a cloth, sitting down on a chair next to Steve. You pressed the damp cloth to his bloody arm, and he winced.

"I'm sorry," You said, taking the cloth off and looked at closer at Steve. There was something he wasn't telling you. "Baby, what's wrong?"

Steve stared at the ground, his hands clasped firmly in his lap. "When Fury told me that this mission could potentially end HYDRA's very existence, I didn't hesitate for a second to board the Helicarrier and travel to a barren wasteland that the base was located," Steve looked up at you, his eyes seemed to be shining with tears, but he looked more angry than sad. "What I didn't know was that you didn't hesitate either. You didn't hesitate to brainwash Bucky."

You swore your heart stopped in that moment, and your face went cold.

Steve knew that you were ex-HYDRA. Your parents had been HYDRA and had expected you to follow along in their footsteps. You had always known that everything HYRDA did was awful, regardless of how they tried to justify it, but there was no escape.

You went along with everything they told you to do. You were HYDRA's pawn, their slave. You were a perfect puppet and HYDRA had been in control of the strings.

Throughout HYDRA, there had always been whispers about The Winter Soldier. You had never even been in his presence, let alone met him, so when a group of HYDRA agents told you that they needed you to help with The Winter Soldier, you were blatantly appealed. Not to mention terrified.

They made you wipe his memory. Watching that poor man with a metal arm and a lost look in his eyes writhe in pain because of you ripping away anything he remembered from his previous life was the last straw.

You escaped HYDRA after that and, despite being ex-HYDRA, applied and got accepted into SHIELD. That's when you met Steve. He had never known about you being involved with Bucky's memory erasing.

Until now.

"Steve," you whispered, nervous of how he would react. "I am so sorry."

He kept staring at you. "I thought we could trust each other with anything. Why didn't you tell me?"

You stared into Steve's eyes, making yours well up with tears as you saw his do the same. "I didn't know how to tell you. Even if I did tell you, I was scared as to how you might react. But believe me when I say that I am so sorry. For doing that, not telling you. I'm sorry for everything."

Steve shook his head. "They told me so many things about you, (Y/N). Things I don't want to believe but..."

You shook your head violently, tears falling to the ground. "Steve you can't listen to them. Everything they say is a lie. That's what they do! They lie and toy with your deep emotions and twist people into what they need them to be. Listen to me, your fiancee, telling you that I'm sorry, and I regret everything about HYDRA, except for leaving it."

Steve placed his head in his hands. "HYDRA's taken so much from me, (Y/N). Promise me that they won't take you."

You nodded. "I promise. We can be a family. The three of us." You placed Steve's hand on your belly, running a hand through his hair.

Not even HYDRA was tearing your family apart ever again.

Hope you liked it!

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