(Imagine #7) Bucky: The Carnival

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Requested by Agent__Winter_Shield

(Sorry it took so long)


"(Y/N)! Hurry up! You always take too long to get ready!"

You sighed, exasperated, and turned to face your actual child of a boyfriend, James Buchanan Barnes.

"Well, I'm sorry if I want to look presentable to the public and not like I just crawled out of a cave after my winters long hibernation."

Bucky came up behind you and kissed you on the top of your head, enveloping you in a hug. "Y'know I always think you look beautiful. Even when you look like a grumpy a bear."

You chuckled lightly, turning around to kiss Bucky gently on the lips. "You've always had a way with words, Barnes."

"I try."

You quickly wormed your way out of your boyfriend's hug (even if you wanted to stay in his arms forever) and continued to blow dry your hair and apply some make up.

"(Y/N)! I thought you said you were going to hurry up!" Bucky called from the other room.

He had been excited for this date since the day you suggested it over three weeks ago. You had heard from a co-worker that there was going to be a carnival in the area. You told Bucky how you were thinking about going, and his eye's had immediately lit up.

"I haven't been to a carnvial in...over eighty years! (Y/N) this is going to be so great! But you seriously have to hurry up if we're gonna make it there before I turn one hundred!" He had said, jumping up and down.

"If I do recall, you're  the one who said to hurry up Bucky, not me!" You responded, pulling on your jacket and walking out of the bathroom. "But I'm done anyway."

Bucky's grin widened, if that's possibly, and he grabbed your hand.
"I'm so excited. I have everything planned out. First, we're going to go on the bumper cars. Next, we're going to play all the games. Then, we're going to go on all the rides. After that, we're gonna stuff ourselves full of the greasiest food we can find. Last but not least, we're going to end the night with a special surprise."

"What special surprise might that be?" You asked, raising an eyebrow at Bucky.

"If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise would it?" Bucky retorted smoothly, taking your hand in his and swinging it as you walked.

As you and Bucky walked down the sidewalk to the carnival, he talked animatedly about how last time he went to the carnival, he and Steve got kicked out for spraying people with water guns. You laughed at the thought, picturing a young Bucky and Steve running around and yelling battle cries as they sprayed people with bursts of water.

You could smell the carnival before you could see it. The scents of popcorn, french fries, cotton candy, and corndogs found their way to your nose before the carnival was even in sight. You could also hear the cheerful sound of music and people laughing and shouting.

When you did finally see the bright lights and rides of the carnvial, you felt pure excitment wash over you. You hadn't been to a carnival in a while either, and it would be a nice change to have the chance to run around and act like a little kid again.

Bucky was already one step ahead of you there.

Before you had even realized, Bucky had begun pulling you through the crowd, weaving in and out of people holding giant stuffed pandas, mounds of cotton candy, or a bouquet of colorful balloons.

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