When You're On Your Period

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Steve always seems to know exactly when you're on your period. He'll notice you start acting a little differently, and how the trash can in the bathroom gets filled much quicker than usual. Once he knows for sure it's your time of the month, he'll buy you whatever you need to help you feel better, and will snuggle with you and rub your back or belly to help get rid of cramps.


Tony absolutely spoils you when you're on your period. He'll rush in out of the tower, buying chocolate, wine, pads, tampons, tea, your favorite types of movies, anything. Then he'll sit through hours of TV with you, wrapping you up in an endless amount of blankets.


When you tell Thor it's your time of the month, he'll be confused at first, but then he'll slowly realize what you mean and rush to the store to buy poptarts for you and come back to hug your for hours.


Being a master of magic, Loki came up with a type of spell to help relieve you of any pain you might be having while on your period because he hates seeing you in pain.


Honestly, Clint will freak out and act like you're dying. He'll run around waving his hands in the air not knowing what to do and when you finally tell him to calm down, he'll bombard you with questions, asking what you need, what he should do. You'll usually just tell him you just want to relax and he'll follow you to the living room and spoon you like there's no tomorrow.


Often times, Bruce will distance himself from you when you're on your period, because he knows you like your space when it's your time of the month. However, he'll leave thoughtful little notes and chocolate for you to find.


Pietro is such a dork, honestly. He'll make you these little homemade cards that say things like "Sorry that you're being tortured with Satan's scarlett waterfall" or "Tamp-on, Maxim-off". One time he gave you a box of pads with his face taped on the front. When you asked what this was he said, "Maximoff maxi pads. For when you didn't see it coming." Yeah, you'll usually feel better after that.


Bucky is a firm believer in the theory that ice cream fixes everything. He'll buy you gallons and gallons of ice cream and will always ask you how you're feeling and unsolicitedly cuddle you and kiss you. (Which he usually does anyway...)


Because of the what she went through in the Red Room, Natasha doesn't get periods. However, she still sympathizes with you and will get whatever you need.


Wanda being a girl herself, yours and her periods will often sync up. She'll always make this special Sokovian tea her mom used to make that helps with cramps and you'll just binge watch reality TV.


Being a teenage boy, Peter is absolutely oblivious. He'll call you, asking if you want to hang out and you'll reply how you.aren't feeling too well. Then he'll say that Aunt May is a nurse so she could probably help you out and he'll talk to her and you'll keep dropping more obvious hints on how you're on your period. Peter won't get it until you very forcefully say that you're bleeding out of your vagina. Peter will then say a quiet, "Oh..." and hang up. A little while later he'll come over to your house with chocolate and cheesy movies with an embarrassed smile on his face.


So yeah since I'm on my period right now I decided to make this lol. 😂kill me now


So I was looking at the demographics on the people who read this book and I noticed that 28% is a private gender 2% is male.

I then came to realize that I hadn't really thought of those of you who might not identify as a female and I've been writing the reader as female this entire time. I guess this is because I'm female and the majority of my readers are as well, but if I offended you at all, it certainly wasn't my intention at all.

I am a firm believer in LGBTQ+ rights and if you want me to and make some of these things a little more gender neutral, I will certainly try my best.

I guess I didn't really before because I had: A.) Never really went into deep thoughts about this. B.) When I did think about it, I was scared I might not right an LGBTQ+ relationship properly or make it stereotypical and I didn't want to offend anyone.

However, I am totally comfortable with doing guyXguy and girlXgirl imagines and what not so just wanted to let everyone know. 😊

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