Outfit Preference: Natasha

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Top: Natasha likes when you dress casual, so a simple tank or crop top is what she likes you to wear.

Bottoms: Just like you shirts, simple bottoms are what Natasha likes you to wear. Like neutral colored shorts and such.

Shoes: Natasha likes a certain pair of black sandals that you wear. There isn't really any reasoning behind it other than she thinks they look good on you.

Accessories: Nat thinks you look really good in gold, especially gold jewelry. She got you some gold bangles and matching rings. You wear them all the time.

Hair: Natasha likes your hair with a braided or twisted crown around your head. She just thinks you look really pretty like that.

Makeup: A little mascara and some lipstick go a long way, but you always look amazing no matter what according to Natasha.

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