(Imagine #11) Loki: College Worries

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Requested by Consulting_Angel

You were unbelievably stressed. So stressed in fact, it was visible across your features. Dark circles adorned the area under your eyes, you had been wearing the same sweatpants for days and your (H/L) (H/C) hair was completely knotted. It seemed as though your bedroom had been the only place you could truly reside for the past few days.

To put it bluntly, you were just plain worried. Worried about what lay ahead of you at college. You were gender fluid, which meant that you identified as a neutral gender, and you weren't quite sure as to how people at your new college would take that.

When you visited the college, the professors you met with seemed very accepting of you, but you were still entirely clueless as to what the other students would think. How were you supposed to introduce yourself to them? Hi! My name is (Y/N) and here are the pronouns you should use when speaking to me! Ugh.

Not only were you worried about not being accepted because of your gender neutrality, but you were also a shy person, and had trouble speaking up or asking for help in class. You remembered how in high school they barely tolerated you never participating, and you were terrified as to how might be in college.

These thoughts throbbed in your mind as you laid your head on your desk, staring blankly at a bunch of crumpled pieces of paper in front of you. After a moment, a soft knock on your door arose you from your thoughtful state.

"Come in," you said quietly, your head still resting on your desk.

"(Y/N)? Are you alright?"

It was your boyfriend, Loki. You heard his footsteps approach from behind you, and felt him place a hand on your back, rubbing soothing circles to help calm you.

You sighed, "I'm fine, Loki. It's nothing."

Loki shook his head and sat down on the bed across from your desk. "You and I both know that's not the case, my dear."

You sat up, feeling a dull ache in your back from lying hunched over for so long, and faced Loki, trepidation blatant across your face.

"I'm just worried is all..."

Loki tilted his head at you. "Worried? About what?"

"Everything!" You exclaimed, your voice cracking as you felt a lump in your throat and tears form in the corners of your (E/C) eyes. "I'm worse than worried! I'm terrified! I'm so afraid that people won't accept me at college and that's all I want! All I want is for people accept me and like me without just judging me solely on being gender neutral! I don't want to be an outcast!"

Tears were now flowing freely in salty streams down your cheeks, and you looked up at Loki, who was just staring at you. After a moment he sighed, rose from the bed, and walked over to you, pulling you into and embrace so strong and loving he lifted you out of your chair.

"(Y/N), I know exactly what it feels like to be an outcast, and I want you to know that the only reason I don't feel like one anymore, is because of you. This amazing, wonderful, smart, funny, gorgeous human being could find the good in a Frost Giant who was once considered evil. I will always love you for that, and everyone else will love you, too, because of who you are as a person. An amazing person."

You stared, awestruck at what Loki had said. "You really think that?"

"Of course I do! You are so special that a God who thought they could never love anything other than power, threw that all away as soon as he met you. You are so strong, and you will make it through college," Loki finished, his arms still wrapped around you.

You felt one last single tear ecape your eye, but you smiled and wiped it away. "Thank you, Loki. I love you, too."

Something inside you told you that you would be able to make it through college because with Loki's love and support, anything was possible...


I hope you liked this Consulting_Angel! And just know that not only is Loki supporting you through college, but I'm rooting for you too! :D

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