chapter 26- cold, wet, but couldnt be any happier

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Ava's P.O.V

Last night when carter fainted we brought her back to the boys hotel, Niall took her and tucked her into his bed while me and the other boys headrd t to harrys room.

I was acting calm on the out side but on the inside I was majorly fangirling. Like what are the odds of a simple girl like me ending up with one direction at midnight in their hotel room like gosh

After a little bit all the boys left except Harry so me and him just talked.

I really like Harry he was so nice and cheeky which I loved omg and don't even get me started on his curls, like I love his curls.

It was weird at first being alone but then it got less and less awkward. We sat in the bed and watched a movie when I realized Harry was getting closer and closer to me and before I knew it we we're side by side.

I looked into his beautiful eyes and BAM!!!!.

We we're making out. We had been making out for sometime when we both fell asleep.

In the morning I woke up next to Harry still. I kissed his cheek and walked out of the room. I went over to nialls room and knocked on the door, but no answered so I felt to see if it was unlocked and of course it was.

I slowly turned the door knob and walked in I turned the corner to see the huge bed. My mouth dropped open I was scared I was going to catch flies. Immediately I pulled out my phone and began to take pictures.

I walked closer to the bed and all I could see was cuteness, right infront of my was Niall sleeping with Carter head on his chest with her arm around him and both of nialls arm were wrapped around her small body. They looked so perfect together and wondered what they did last night. lOL.

I ran back to Harry's room and began to shake him.

"we'll hello there beautiful". Harry said with a smirk. I giggled and I felt my cheeks began to go hot, and I was blushing.

"You have to see this Harry it is so cute". I said begging him to get up. He groaned and sat up when I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the room and I told him to keep quiet before we headed into nialls room.

We walked in tip toeing and as soon as we seen them Harry surprisingly said awww but then he had an extremely evil look on his face.

I didn't say anything I just gave him an uh oh look then he did an evil laugh and turned into the kitchen. I think I had a feeling what he was going to do.

I stood by the door when Harry walked in the room with a huge bucket of freezing cold water.

"no no no, Harry please don't they are so cute right now". But anything I said didn't stop him. He got next to the bed and was about to dump the water when I just laughed and shrugged it off, you don't even realize how many times Carter did it to me so I just told Harry to wait while I pulled out my phone and hit video. I nodded to Harry and he laughed and dumped all the water ontop of them.


Carter's P.O.V

I was having such a peacful sleep dreaming that I was in nialls horans hotel room with him when my body turned cold as water splashed onto of me. I popped up to be face to face with a cold, wet, surprised looking Niall and in the back ground I could hear laughing. I turned my head to see Harry styles and ava laughing their heads off.

me and Niall sat there frozen with a surprised look on our faces we we're soaked.

I was still sitting there when ava screamed out, "that's what you get" she was still laughing and of course she had her phone in her hand video taping the whole thing.

I jumped up off the bed when she got a scared look in her eyes and she handed her phone to Harry who kept video taping. I ran toward her and grabbed her and pulled her into a tight hug. And before I knew it she was frozen and wet too.

Harry was laughing so hard when I turned to face him oh don't worry styles I'll get my revenge on you too.

In the back ground I heard that amazing laugh I had heard the night before and there was niall laughing so hard, his face was red and he just kept laughing and laughing.

In the end we all ended up laughing. The boys wernt busy today so they asked me and ava to go hang out with them and Liam, Louis, and zayn. Me and ava headed back to our hotel to get showered and dressed.

There was only one shower in our room so I let ava go first while I sat down on my phone. I haven't talked to llain since yesterday morning so I texted him.

Me: llain omfg you won't believe what I tell you.!!!!!! :-) !!!XD...!!!!!... :-P!!!!!!!!!Im sooooo happy!


Niall aka llains P.O.V

The girls left while I sat and talked to harry. He told me all bout how his night went with ava and he said he might be falling for her. This was great for Harry because he hasn't ever seemed this happy about a girl before even though he had only known her for a few hours.

I told him about how I was about to tell carter the truth but she was too tired so I had to wait. I was planning on telling her this after noon when I got a text from her saying

Carter: omfg you won't believe what I tell you.!!!!!! :-) !!!XD...!!!!!... :-P!!!!!!!!!Im sooooo happy!

Me:hey what do I have to tell me?

I acted casual like I haven't talked to her in a day when in reality I talked to her just five minutes ago.

Carter: my life is complete lol, so the concert was amazing last night, and Niall came down by me and took my phone and had it on video on the stage then when we went backstage I got to hug all the boys but when I hugged Niall I fainted, haha then I woke up in his bed and he was so sweet to me and then we watched a movie and we fell asleep together, he is just perfect, now me and ava are going to hang out with the band for the day. I couldn't be any happier.

Ps good thing we wernt talking on the phone because I probably would have died for talking so fast/much lol and it all happened because you gave us the back stage pass.

I didn't reply right away when I thought of an idea and when I looked over at Harry he was thinking the same thing. My idea would be mean though but it would work out so good.


A/N... Ok so do you guys like it better when I have.more P.O.V like ava...comment and vote please and in exactly 24 hours I got 160 more reads and this might not be a big deal for you guys but it is for me...Im so happy I have 1110 reads like omg th is is just soooo cool to me lol anyways I hope you liked the chapter...I think Im going to try to write at least four or five chapter a week. So ya love you guys bye!


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