chapter 39-good morning

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A/N omg guys im soooooooo sorry I haven't updated in nearly two weeks I've been having troubles with writers block, so that's why this chapter is going to be short so im sorry about that and yay just in the last few days I've gotten 500 reads :) im almost at 5000 reads now, so thank you for reading and it would be much appreciated if you guys would possibly give me a shout out or something please.

Ok on with this boring short chapter (sorry)


Carter's P.O.V

I woke up to the amazing smell of pancakes and the sound of my dad whistling in the kitchen.

Yay every morning my dad would make me pancakes, he makes them so good, Oroville be possible I love them more than captain crunch. Nah nothings better then captain crunch.

I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, and there stood my dad flipping pancakes and whistling happily.

He looked my way as I let out a loud yawn.

I hate the mornings and it is only 9:00 oh god!

"Hey daddy" I said giving him a small side hug.

"hi sweat heart how was your sleep". My dad asked.

"it was ok, nothing special, maybe if you let Niall actually sleep in my room with me it would have been better". I said giving him the hint to actually let him share a room with me.

"no boy will be sleeping in the same room as you in my house"! My dad said strongly.

"but daddy, I feel so safe when he's with me and plus I am 18 you know". I whined.

"carter I said not in my house". My dad said pouring more batter into the pan.

"fine". I grumbled.

My dad put down his spatula and looked over at me with a serious look on his face.

"hhhhh you really love this boy don't you carter".my dad said looking a bit sad but im not sure why.

"daddy I truly do love him, he's my everything". I said softly.

he looked down at his feet and sighed.

I got up off my chair and went right up to him and gave him a sweat hug.

"your finally growing up". My dad said sadly but his face grew a sweet smile.

"but I'll always be your little girl".I whispered and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

And to brighten him up I added"and don't burn my pancakes".

He laughed which means I made him happy, and he started to flip his pancakes and pour more batter.

I walked out of the kitchen and down the hall to where the spare bed rooms were to see if any of the boys were awake.

Louis's room was empty, zayns room wasn't he was passed out in a big mess in his bed.

Hmmm maybe I should wake him up, but how???

I couldn't think of a good enough way to wake him up so I just walked over beside his bed and ripped off his covers leaving it with a big cool breeze.


Wow he must be hard to get up.

I now was standing on his bed ready to jump.

1,2,3 bounce.

Zayn was flying around from me jumping on his bed but nothing, oh my god get up.

He curled up into a ball and that's when I had enough I had to get his lazy ass up so I walked into the bathroom down the hall and grabbed a comb and some hair spray.

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