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Omniscient POV~

It's the day of the arrivals and the film crew here at the house are ecstatic. The first of the arrivals are expected any minute now and everything is in place.

The first to arrive was Kylie Jenner. This was expected from many as black people are late for everything. She wandered through the foyer admiring it as she picked up one of cups of wine that were laid neatly and orderly  around a centre piece on the oak wood table in the foyer. She sipped from her glass as she walked through into the only open door of the house. She sat her suitcase next to the chair she'd prepared to sit upon but was interrupted by the door opening.

She peeped her head around to see who it was but couldn't get a clear view.

Meanwhile, Karrueche Tran picked up a glass from the table and dragged her suitcase through.

"Hi!" Kylie said, getting up and hugging Karrueche. Finally she wasn't alone.

"Hi, nice to meet you! I'm Karrueche-" She began but was cut off by Kylie.

"Sorry can you repeat your name please?" Kylie asked.

"KA- RU- CHI... Karrueche. Just call me Kae though. Wait, aren't you Kim Kardashians sister?" Karrueche asked as she set her suitcase down beside Kylies.

"Yeah, Kylie, Kylie Jenner." Kylie replied, this was exactly what she meant by more recognition aside from being Kim's sister.

"Nice to meet you Kylie, I'm a fan of keeping up with the Kardashians."  Karrueche said smiling as she took a seat.

"Thanks. And I'm a fan of..." Kylie began but she trailed off as she realized that not everyone was famous and she had no idea who Karrueche was. She was saved by the front door opening though.

"Ohh girl, this place is gorgeous!" Someone said from the foyer. Neither Karrueche nor Kylie were sure of whether the person was a male of female but just kept quiet and waited for the person to walk in.

"And free wine?! God blessed us today boo." A female said. There must be two people then. Glasses clicked as footsteps and rolling suitcases edged towards the main room that Karrueche and Kylie were in.

EJ popped his head into the room and saw the two innocent girls standing with glasses in hand.

"Oh there's people here already!" EJ said to Amber, who he'd arrived with as they walked in to greet the others. He was oblivious of the fact that everyone was meant to have arrived 10 minutes ago and there were only two people who were actually on time.

"Hi, I'm EJ. Nice to meet you girls." Ej said confidently as he hugged Karrueche and the Kylie.

"And I'm Amber." Amber said as they all hugged.

"Hey I'm Karrueche."

"And Im K-"

"Kylie Jenner, Kim Kardashians little sister. Girl you grew lips, eye lashes, titties and an ass. Kudos to you darling." EJ said as Kylie forced on a smile. She truly did hate this.

"Im glad you know!" Kylie said forcing out a laughing and quickly sipping from her wine after.

"Are you old enough to be drinking this?" Amber asked Kylie.

"Yes, I'm 18 and mature." Kylie said confidently.

"Damn I feel old. Are you 18 as well?" EJ asked reffering to Karrueche.

"No... I'm 25 actually." Karrueche said.

"Ahh good, I thought we were going to be surrounded by teenagers." Amber said and EJ laughed but Karrueche and Kylie missed the joke.

There was an awkward silence after that until the door opened.

Jermaine walked through the door and looked around briefly. He could hear the light whispers coming from another room. He decided not to take the wine so he just dragged his suitcase to where the sound was coming from.

The girls and EJ all got up to greet Jermaine as he nodded at each of them.

"What's your name then?" Amber asked.

"Jay." He said simply. Ambers look implied that she was waiting for him to return the question, but when it became obvious that he wasn't going to she put matters into her own hands.

"Well, Im Amber." She said as they all went around introducing himself. He didn't really pay any mind to them he just sat on the sofa across from Karrueche and looked around.

The girl's side eyed him, sort of waiting for him to confide in them, they then came to a conclusion that he was the boring one so they left him there and continued their separate conversations.

Meanwhile, outside, two limos had pulled up at the same time. Rihanna and Kimberly stepped out of either limo and acknowledged each other.

"Hi, I'm Kim, nice to meet you." Kim said as the girls walked towards each other and up the marble steps.

"Hi I'm Rihanna. Nice to meet you as well." Rihanna said. They hugged as they'd reached the door. They pushed it open and walked in.

"Dang your... eyelashes are nice." Kim said.

"Thanks, yours too." Rihanna said. Kim had originally wanted to compliment on Rihannas outfit as she does with most people but Rihanna was wearing a baggy jean shirt that was tied at the waist with a brown belt along with baggy gray pants and caramel builders boots (Her FourFiveSeconds Outfit). Rihanna also had her hair in bantu knots all over her head and Kim absolutely hated the style.

Kim on the other hand was dressed in a tight fighting black satin overall along with black heels and silver accessories. Can you imagine the difference?

"Are you Jamaican or something?" Kim asked, noticing Rihanna's strong accent.

"No, I'm Barbadian actually." Rihanna said.

"Right... So you're Jamaican then." Kim said, mumbling the last part. But, she obviously hadn't mumbled quietly enough since Rihanna had heard her but chosen to keep calm. That was one of Rihanna's pet peeves, when people state that all Caribbean's are automatically classed as Jamaican.

They walked in, picked up some wine and sipped as they walked into the main room.

"Hey!" Kim said waving to everyone and Rihanna did the same.

They all introduced themselves before Rihanna and Kim sat down and waited with the rest of them. Neither of them seemed to care about the fact that they were half an hour past the set arrival time.

A few minutes later, the door opened once again and for the last time.

"YO, YO, YO!" Chris shouted through the house as Chris, August and Tremaine filed in.

"Awe shit they only got posh people wine. No ciroc or nun." August said.

"I like wine mayne. It's only for the classy though, don't stress." Trey said.

"My nigga you aint classy, you a nigga off the streets of America." August said. Trey ignored him, knowing full and well that was true. Trey grabbed a glass, chugged it down and placed the empty glass down before picking out August's glass from his clasp and sipping from it respectably.

"Nigga how you gone drink the first one like a shot and be so slow with this one." August said.

"Pre-game drinking man. Even I know that." Chris said.

"Yeah that or you're an alcoholic." August said as they walked to the main room.

The girls were growing anticipated as they could clearly hear the loud guys approaching them.

As the guys walked in, everyone, apart from Jermaine who'd wait for them to approach him, stood up. Everyone greeted everyone and they all settled down.

-THE HOUSE-  *Multi R&B Celebrity FanFiction*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant