*His Empathy*

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Day Two in the house~

So, they'd all survived the night in the house except there was still the growing worry for Kylie that Trey wasn't back home yet. So I guess we can't really assume that they all survived the night then... Trey may just be dead for all we know so we take back our previous words. He had left around 7 o'clock the previous night and it's 11 in the morning now meaning he has 8 hours to get back.

Trey had left no trace and didn't tell anyone where exactly he was going so relatively, Kylie's wages for the week were in her eyes, definitely on the line. Since the two weren't immensely close yet, they hadn't exchanged numbers meaning that she couldn't call him up to ask when exactly he'd be back, this worried her.

Currently, Karrueche and Kylie were working out in the gym room whilst EJ continued to complete his daily make-up routine which could take 3 hours if he was lucky. Amber was awake and had just finished her hygiene routine and she was brushing her scalp as usual. We've come to conclusion that she misses her long hair so she is convinced that if she brushes her stubs regularly enough, then one day, she might just miraculously brush out a full metre length of her own natural hair. Who knows?

*Meanwhile in Kimberly and Christopher's room*

Kim was sat at her white vanity, blasting out 'Dirty Laundry' by Kelly Rowland and singing at the top of her lungs whilst doing her eyeliner for the 20th time in the past hour. Chris groaned and moaned for her to stop singing even though she wasn't half bad.

"Kim, do you know how early it is? My good lord!" Chris groaned as he held his pillow over his head.

"And I was trapped in his house, lying to my mama

Thought it could get no worse as we maximize the drama

Started to call them people on him

I was battered

He hitting the window like it was me, until it shattered

He pulled me out, he said, "Don't nobody love you but me

Not your mama, not your daddy and especially not B" Dirty Laundry by Kelly Rowland

Tears began streaming down Kim's face as she stared at herself in the mirror and sang those lines of the song in almost a whisper. It seemed like she was really relating to the song on a deeper level.

Chris had obviously realised that she'd suddenly gone quiet and lifted his head up to see what had her all silent all of a sudden. He realised that she was practically crying her eyes out and sat up in his bed trying to decipher whether or not he should; ask what was wrong and possibly get himself into female baby daddy drama OR just keep quiet and go back to bed and act like he hadn't witnessed anything.

He was raised better than to just leave her to cry though so he got up, ignoring the fact that the red light under the camera in their room was on, signalling that the cameras were now turned to them.

He walked over to where she was sat, pushed all her make-up to the side and sat himself down on the vanity.

"What's wrong?" Chris asked and she shook her head and looked down at her lap. She used her index finger to discreetly dry up her tears before giving him forced thumbs up.

"I may come across as very stupid, like especially that time when I got 14% on my exam, damn that teacher gave me nothing but heat throughout the whole semester, can you believe- Wait, I'm getting off topic sorry what was I saying again?" He asked.

"You may come across as stupid but..."Kim said sighing, not really wanting to carry on this conversation.

"Oh yeah, I may come across as stupid but when it comes to reality, I'm actually not. I can see clearly that you're not OK so I'm here wondering why exactly you're trying to cover up whatever pain your suffering from." He said. Kim gave him a shocked look. We doubt she expected him to say something so sympathetic.

"You really are a smart boy Chris-" Kim began but Chris cut her off.

"Exactly, so that gives you every reason to explain whatever it is going through your head at the moment and I can guarantee you a smart answer!" He said as they both chuckled.

Kim paused for a second, mentally deciding whether or not to tell him or not. She hadn't really told anyone of her problems so maybe it would help for her.

"My past relationship didn't end so well. Matter of fact it still hasn't ended and it never will-"

"Why's that?" Chris asked making himself more comfortable on the vanity whilst furrowing his eyebrows together in interest.

"We used to have it good, the two of us for 3 years straight until all of a sudden he changed, like out of nowhere. It started with him cursing me out when we got into petty arguments but soon that escalated to him physically abusing. He would beat me and the one time that I tried to fight back, he... he pushed me and I fell and hit my head on a radiator. I remember clearly now, my legs started feeling numb and next thing you know, I woke up a month later in the hospital. He came to the hospital when I woke up and since I'd forgotten everything at the time, he used my amnesia against me and started telling me things like 'nobody has ever loved you the way I do' and my dumbass took that nigga back. And the worst thing was that he didn't even get caught for what he did but that was my fault. When the police questioned me, all I had to say was 'It was Raymond' but I didn't."

She took a deep breath and dried up her tears and Chris sat there dumbfounded.

"Raymond? What street does he live on? Imma pull up with my whole squad see if that niggas still feeling hard." Chris said causing Kim to laugh.

"What happened to 'I can guarantee you a smart answer'?" Kim said as she giggled.

"Ohh, I might have lied a bit there. I ain't really good with these kind of situations and the whole 'Empathy' thing... not for me." Chris said pursing his lips together as if he'd just eaten a handful of brussel sprouts. The thing about Chris is that he makes it pretty hard for you to be mad at him, especially when he's constantly cracking jokes.

"I'm kidding by the way, I'm sorry to hear about what happened and I truly wish there was something I could've done to take away your pain." Chris said.

"Well, there is one thing..." Kim said.

"What's that?"

"For you to brush your teeth, boy that morning breath hit you real hard." Kim said scooting back in her chair as they laughed.

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