*I sense Tension*

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"Kylie to the Journal Room"

Kylie made her way down to the room and opened the door, seating herself on the white seat. She greeted the interviewer and began answering his questions.

"What are your first impressions of the house?" The interviewer asked.

"It's really hood and ghetto to be honest. I mean, not to be like racist or anything but my cast mates all look like they just finished shooting for 'Straight Outta Compton'." She said.

"What do you think of your partner?" He asked.

"Umm, he's cool I guess but he's like almost twice my age and still cocky as shit. He flirts with me and stuff which I don't really care for since I'm 18 and legal so..." She shrugged.

"Who do you think you've bonded with the most and why?" He asked.

"I'd have to say I've bonded most with Koochie. Just because we are probably the only sane people here." She said.

"Do you mean Karrueche?" The interviewer asked chuckling.

"Ohh, yeah sorry." She said.

"Have you got any tension or anyone you don't like? If yes explain why." He asked.

"I don't like Kimberly because I heard her and August talking about me in the kitchen and I think she's way too shady. But, Im kind of afraid to say that I don't like August since I feel like he'll come and shoot me up! *Laughs* And I also don't like EJ, he's just too... outspoken. Like, some things are better left unsaid, you know. And, Jermaine, his silence kills me. Like seriously, I said hey to him and he didn't even give me a nod, he just sat there with his eyes glued to the television! But let me stop before I get the whole house hating me!" She said.

"Alright that's it thank you." The interviewer said as Kylie got off the chair and returned to the house.

Everyone was gathered in the dining room for their first meal together (courtesy of Kim and August).

They were all tucking in. Chris, August, EJ and Kim had put together a 'plan' in an attempt to get Jermaine to open up more to them. They all exchanged looks around the table before Chris cleared his throat.

"So Jermaine! Which state are you from?" Chris asked. Jermaine lifted his head up and looked around the table to see everybody's eyes glued on him.

"Do I have something on my face?" He asked, sucking his teeth and picking up a spoonful on his fork.

"Well, at least we know he aint a mute!" Trey said causing a few people to laugh.

"Nahh, listen up nigga. We here just trying to make you feel welcome, aint no need for you to be coming out all bitchy and shit. This aint Mean Girls 3! But I got one question for you, if you aint trying to make friends or be cool with anybody, then why the fuck are you on the show?" August asked and everybody's attention switched from August to Jermaine as if they were having the most intense tennis match.

Jermaine swallowed the food he'd consumed and looked up at August but remained silent.

"Guys, can we not argue? I mean this is our first night, let's at least be cool." Karrueche said and Amber shot her a 'bish what' look.

"Hoe, this is the most entertaining event of the day and you're trying to put a stop to it? Hell nah, continue you're 'anger-filled discussion' boys!" Amber said as EJ burst out laughing.

"So now we know who the ratchet hoes are." Rihanna piped in.

"Female! You look like you crawled out a garbage truck, shut the hell up." EJ said.

"OOH BITCH FIGHT!" Trey called.

Kylie looked around the table innocently, mainly glad that she wasn't involved in anything. Dirty looks and shade was thrown left right and centre. The tension was thicker than Kims hips, Chris and Trey were the designated hype men by choice.


After that there was an awkward silence. No one wanted to be named as the one who got into a fight on the first night.

As people began finishing up their food, and clearing up the table, the silence was still intense. As everyone went back to their separate groups, the silence began to break and the gossip began.

Trey was in the main room along with Chris and August, they were now known as the 'dominating men' of the house. Trey was in conversation with Chris and August before his phone beeped. He checked it and quickly got up.

"Y'all I gotta bounce, I'll be back before time!" He said.

"You betta make sure otherwise you won't be getting none from Kylie after you lose your weeks wages!" Chris called.

"Getting what from me?!" Kylie asked as she walked into the main room.

"I said that he won't get no money for you and him if he don't come back on time!" Chris said as August chuckled whilst puffing on his blunt.

"Right, and erm August, could you smoke that outside please. The smoke is coming into all the rooms and its making me feel weird." Kylie said crossing her eyes for a second to prove a point.

"That's just the high hitting you, you'll get used to it in a second baby girl." He said as the guys chuckled.

Kylie scoffed and walked out, obviously aware that she wasn't going to be able to stop him. As she left, Rihanna came in and picked the blunt from August's fingers and Trey left out the front door, swiping on his way out.

As Rihanna puffed perfect 'o's into the air, Augusts jaw dropped to the floor.

"I aint never met a girl that can smoke shit like you doing." He said.

"That's a turn off for me!" Chris said, putting his hands up in surrender.

"Well I didn't ask for your input Chris." Rihanna said as Chris made a face and chose to keep quiet.

Once it was time to head to bed, Kylie was in the greatest mood. No Trey, meant No bothering.

Meanwhile in EJ and Ambers room, Amber was brushing her hair that was barely visible as EJ applied his face mask.

"Amber what the hell are you doing?" EJ asked, as he laid down on his bed and sat up slightly, waiting for the mask to set.

"Im brushing my hair before bed!" Amber said as she admired herself in the mirror.

"What hair? Amber you' damn near bald, you must be brushing up them thoughts that you got trapped up there." EJ said.

"One day imma fight you!" Amber said chuckling.

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