*Rules and Set*

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Everyone was silent as the front door opened for a last time. Soon enough the cast was met by the sow director Joey.

"Good morning everybody." He said clasping his hands together as everybody waved and greeted him.

"Alright, first of all, welcome to the house-"

"Yeah speaking of that, is just called 'The House'  or is there more to it like 'The Drama house' or 'The house with the minority being a white woman' or 'the house with shitty wine' or is it just 'The House?" August interrupted him. Joey gave August a sharp look as August threw his hands up in surrender.

"It's just 'The House'. But anyways as I was saying, welcome to 'The House' and we are glad you all made it eventually. Now you all already now the more complicated rules so I'll just go through the basics..." Joey began.

He then got to listing all the rules of the house:

Rule #1: If you leave the house, your expected back maximum by the same time the following day. E.G. If you leave at 6 P.M Today, then you must come back by/before 6 P.M tomorrow. Simple right? So that means be back atleast 24 hours after your departure!

Rule #2: When called to the private Journal Room, you are expected to attend right that minute.

Rule #3: When leaving and returning to and from the house, you must swipe the entry cards. These cards will be a little bit like house keys except they helps us know who is and who isn't in the premises. Therefore, if you leave as a group or as two... etc. both/all cards must be swiped.

"And that's relatively all your rules, does anyone have any questions regarding the rules?"

Karrueche raised her hand.

"Girl, this aint middle school, speak up when you please." Kim said, causing a few of the cast to chuckle or laugh.

"What happens if you come home past your curfew time?" Karrueche asked in a light voice.

"Good question. If you fail to return before the time you're meant to, then you AND your partner will be stripped of a week's wages." Joey said.

"Partners?" Jay asked finally sitting up properly and acknowledging everything.

"Yes, it stated clearly in the contract that everyone will be paired up two to a room. One female and one male to each room." Joey said. Everyone nodded as he handed out house cards.

"Wait hold on a second!" EJ said as everybody turned to him.
"Are y'all classing me as male or female because quite frankly I'd like to be classed as a female."

"We're classing you by the gender on your birth certificate." Joey said as EJ groaned.

"That just lessens the chance of me getting any dick any time soon," He mumbled.

The rest of the guys were a lot more hyped than most of the females who were eager to be with somebody who was at least half decent.

"Alright, I'm going to tell you who your partners will be so you can find them, and get comfortable with them and then the doors to the rest of the house will be unlocked for you to roam, pick out your shared bedroom with your partner and get to know your cast mates. Joey said as everyone jumped up and he left to the small directing room.

"The room partners are:

-Chris and Kimberly

-August and Karrueche

-Tremaine and Kylie

-EJ and Amber

-Jermaine and Rihanna"

The only people who were even relatively happy about their assigned partners were EJ and Amber and even Trey since he was aware of Kylie's status.

"Alright, Last thing is, the bedroom cameras will be off from 10 PM to 10 AM for your privacy but the journal room is open for use 24/7 and that's about it. Let the games begin!" Joey said before walking off and into the directing room. The doors were unlocked and from now on they were free to do almost anything they'd pleased.

Trey immediately jumped towards Kylie and surprisingly the hit it off, soon enough they left to find their rooms. EJ and Amber had already gone off to claim their room and so had Jermaine, we guess he expected Rihanna to come to him.

"Who's Kimberly?" Chris asked looking around.

"That'd be me son." Kim said, rising from her seat. They walked off together to find their room leaving August, Karrueche and Rihanna.

"Are you Jermaine?" Rihanna asked August.

"Nahh B, Im August. The man you' looking for went upstairs already." August said chuckling. He was obviously still high from his wake and bake earlier on this morning. Rihanna rolled her eyes.

"Why do I have to get the quiet one." She mumbled as she got up, grabbed her suitcase and went to find the room that Jermaine had reserved.

"So then you must be Karrueche." August said and surprisingly, he pronounced her name the correct way.

She nodded and they went off to find the last room.

*Meanwhile in Trey and Kylies room*

"Hear this baby girl, I can't be tamed." He said confidently as he unpacked the last of his things and jumped on his separate bed on his side of the room.

"Well then there's a first for everything." Kylie said sighing as she rolled her underwear into one of her drawers. Trey forced his head up to see what kind of goodies Kylie was rolling. Pink Vicky Secrets, Red Vicky Secrets, Black Vicky Secrets. He nodded to himself, quite impressed.

*Meanwhile in August and Karrueche's room*

"Say something girl, you boring me!" August said as he collapsed on his bed. Previously, he'd attempted to make slight conversation with her but she would just reply with head, hand or shoulder gestures.

"Say 'Hi', come on, say it with me 'Hi-'" August said stretching his words and acting as if she was deaf or something.

"I can hear and speak very well thank you very much August." She said as she folded the last of her things and closed her drawers.

"SHE CAN SPEAK! IT'S A MIRACLE!" August said kneeling down on the floor next to her. He grabbed her hands and closed his eyes. She was so confused about what was happening that she stayed knelt with him out of curiosity.

"Father Lord we thank you for blessing Karrueche with the ability to hear and to speak-"

"And we thank you for granting August the ability to go 5 seconds without speaking in slang terms. Father, son and the holy-spirit, amen." Karrueche finished as she got up and walked to her bed.

"I know what you are!!" August said grinning as he stayed laid on the floor using his arms to support his head.

"What's that?" Karrueche asked.

"You' a good girl that aint been caught." August chuckled.

Karrueche ignored his comment and left the room.

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