*Nothin' but a number*

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Karrueche walked downstairs and went on a bit of a tour by herself. She was startled by the capacity of the house as she went from room to room. She roamed the house and caught up with Kylie for them to explore together.

"Karrueche to the Journal Room"

The intercom said, partly startling Kae. Kylie directed her to the room since she'd seen it on her way.

Karrueche made her way in and seat on the white seat.

"Alright so Karrueche, what are your first impressions of the house?" The interviewer asked.

"Erm, it's really diverse here I guess. I mean you've got your outspoken people, cocky guys, quiet girls and quiet guys. I don't really know them all well enough to judge." She said shrugging.

"And what do think of your room partner?" The interviewer asked.

She groaned, "I know this is off my character but August is just too irritating and he speaks too much and he smells like things that aren't even legal in the USA." She said.

"Who would you have rather been paired with?" The interviewer asked.

"Erm, I would've rather been paired with someone quiet like Jermaine or someone who speaks but not too much like Chris." She shrugged.

"Alright that's it, thank you." The interviewer said and she got up and left the room. Kylie was outside waiting for her as they caught up and Kae explained everything that had happened or been asked. They walked to the main room where everyone, beside Jermaine was gathered.

They joined everyone and Kim made it so that everybody was introducing themselves to one another.

"Alright everybody go round in the circle and tell everyone about yourself." Kim said, "I'll start. Im Kim, but people call my K.Michelle, I'm 31 and I take it Im going to be the mama of the group." Kim said, passing onto Kylie.

"I'm Kylie; I'm 18 so I guess Im like the baby of the group." Kylie said, many of the cast were taken aback by her age once she said it but moved on. Everyone went around introducing themselves.

Kim set herself the task of making dinner and August joined her. The rest of them made small conversations in separate groups and Chris and Karrueche caught eachother's eyes frequently.

In the kitchen, Kim and August had begun making dinner.

"You know you're the last person I'd expected to come and help me sort this out. You seem too young and immature to be willingly helping in the kitchen to feed 10 people." Kim said as she marinated both chickens.

"There's a lot that you don't know about me ma." He said grinning as he added spices into the soup.

"Well I do know that you're very young." Kim said.

"As Aaliyah once said, age aint nun' but a muhh-fucking number." August said smirking.

There was a slight silence as August admired Kim's ass as she bent down to put the chicken in the oven.

"You get that shit done huh?" August asked as Kim stood up again.

"What? the chicken?" She asked as she began the rice.

"Nahh, the ass." He said simply.

"Yes sir I did for your information. Gotta' keep my shit tight." Kim said as August licked his lips and chuckled.

"Why? You got a man?" He asked.

"I don't see why that concerns you." Kim said, holding back a smirk.

"So then that's a no right?" August said causing Kim to shrug.

August lifted the wooden spoon that he was using to stir the soup with. He made sure he'd picked up about half a teaspoon of the soup and he called Kim over.

"Come taste this." He said, she took the spoon and sipped the soup off. A look of surprise filled her face as she inspected the soup.

"Where did you learn to brew like that?" Kim asked, impressed by Augusts culinary skills.

"I told you Im mature, I do thangs' for maself. But don't get me wrong, I don't mind bein' catered to every once in a while." He said grinning as he bit his lip. Kim rolled her eyes chuckling as she sat on one of the stools, waiting for the food to cook.

August laid the spoon over the pot and sat next to her on an empty stool.

"How old are you exactly." She asked, raising an eyebrow towards him.

"I'm 23 years old ma'." He said. Kim buried her head in her hands, embarrassed at the fact that she might just be catching feelings for a younger guy.

"Shit, you're even younger than I thought." Kim mumbled.

"How old are you if you don't mind me asking?" August asked.

"Old enough, son." She said, chuckling at the thought of her liking a guy who's 8 years younger than her. August brought out his phone and flipped through his music. He played the song 'Age aint nothin' but a number' by Aaliyah and sung along to it.

"You've got a great voice, but you're too young and immature August." Kim said as she got up to check on the food.

"Really?" He asked and she nodded.

"Well if that's what you think, then let me take ya' out tomora' and show you exactly how mature a young nigga can be." He said. She chuckled lightly to herself.

"No thanks, I'm not tryna catch a case!" Kim said.

"Watchu' mean catch a case! Im way past that age lil' ma', if anybody's catching a case its gone be Trey. His ass was perving on Kylie." August said.

"Right! If anything, you should be going for Kylie, she's more you're age than anybody here." Kim said.

"A nigga don't put age on my preference list. I put maturity, the way she handles herself, how she works in a kitchen and what she's doing for herself. To me, age is just a way of identification." August said. By now Kylie was in the kitchen. She was sort of lingering since she'd heard her name multiple times.

"But our identification doesn't match yungin'" Kim said as she brought out plates for the food.

"Opposites attract." August said simply and for once Kim was left with no comebacks left. She just scoffed and focused her attention on the food that she was dishing out.

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