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Naina's POV

I woke up late for school. I immediately freshened up and rushed downstairs. I had no time to braid my hair so I kept a high ponytail. I rushed out of the house so that I get the bus on time and I did not miss any of the classes. Last night had been really horrible and tiring ones.

My mind was occupied with so many thoughts. My main concern was for Mohini. I had to ask her about everything and that is when I can have a peace of mind. I can not stay calm when there are thousands of things going on in my mind. Infact no one would stay calm in such a situation.

My stop arrived and a normal person would walk to school but I was running on the road like a crazy dog. People was making fun of me but I just ignored them. Already I have missed a lot of portion and I don't want to miss anymore. Thanks to my running skills, I reached school on time.

I rushed into my classroom and took my seat. Ruhi asked me worried, "why are you so late Naina?"
I just gave her a sheepish grin and said, I woke up late.

After a while, the class began and I counted every minute to meet Mohini. To be honest, my concentration was not there in the class. My mind was compeletly diverted today. I wanted to meet Mohini to clarify all my doubts.

Soon it was lunch break and I was waiting for her at the same spot. This girl is always late and makes me wait all the time. Uggghh..

"Hey Naina!!" Mohini said and I turned to look at her. After hugging her we took a seat far from others so we were not audible to them.

She asked me, "what do you want to talk about Naina?"
I wanted to act normal and ask her in sweet way, so that she would tell me the truth because I hate hearing false statements and eventually I would find out the truth.

"Mohini darling! I know we have been away from each other for a long time but that does not mean that you will hide stuffs from me. You can always tell me anything you want and I promise I will always listen. Now my question is, DO YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND?"

Her eyes were wide open and she did not blink and forgot to breathe it seemed. I had to shake her to bring her back to her senses.
She started stammering and that was more than enough for me to know that she was in a relationship but I still wanted to confirm as it is always the safest choice.

"Just tell me that and I will be happy for whatever your answer is", I held her hand and said her genuinely. She seemed convinced with what I said and gave her answer in a soft whisper as 'yes'.

That was actually shocking for me but I think she was happy that way and I did not want to take away that from her. I embraced her in a tight hug and asked her everything from the beginning to the end. I also questioned her why did not she tell me this before and her reply was that I did not know how would you react to this and what would you think about it.

I knew this was the reason but I told her that she was being stupid. Its not that I hate love. What I hate is the people who treat love as a game.

Love is one of the purest feeling on this earth and we give love to those who are closed to our hearts. One can not just walk around and love everyone on the street because the connection and the bonding in love is only with the beloved ones. She looked at me thoughtfully and said, "I am sorry. I will never hide anything from you again."


I was at my room now and I was really relaxed. I turned on my laptop and logged into my Facebook account.
There were five friend requests and two inbox messages.
I chose to ignore the friend requets and clicked on the inbox icon. There was message from Aditya who was a family friend of mine and I had actually grown up with him. He was three years elder to me and I always had a botherly love towards him.
I replied to his message and went to the other one which was from Sahil.

'Hey Lovely Angel, how are you?'
I replied to him,
'I am fine, how are you?'

After a minute I got a reply from Sahil,
'I am not fine because I am missing you!' :(

I laughed at this. How can a person miss someone when he does not know about their existence at all or have never met them?

I replied: 'Oh really?! Why are you missing me?

Sahil: 'Becaues I love you!

I was so pissed at this! Is he crazy?! Or he is just throwing his shitty trap on me.
With irritated mood I replied him,

'Keep your stupid game with you! I am not one of those girls who will get flattered by your cheesy words. Don't ever text me again!! Bye.'

I was so angry that I chose not see who had sent me friend request and I shut down my laptop and then went to bed. I could not digest the fact that he was using such cheap trick on me. I hate guys like these. They just get on my nerves and I want to rip their heads off!
It took me two glasses of ice cold water to calm down my anger and I did not realise when my eyelashes hugged each other.


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