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Sahil's POV

Sid wanted to go to office to and he was getting late. I was supposed to be at his place by fifteen minutes but the traffic was so heavy, that I was stuck there for more than half and hour. I was getting anxious because that person never gives his car to anyone and if he had given his car to me and trusted me and in return he just asked me to return him back his car on time as he had work.

If it was some other day, like days  when he took leave, he would have given me his car for the whole day.
But still, I was greatful to him and I could not thank him enough.

He called me and his voice was filled with anger which gave me a feeling to dig the ground and bury myself alive. He was already late for work and he had to take a cab and reach his work place.

He called me again and told me to get him the car in his office area. Thankfully, the road to his office was a little less crowded and I could make there within the next ten minutes.

I parked his car in the parking area and entered the building and took elevator to third floor, where his cabin was located. Before I could knock on the door, he signalled me to come in. 

As soon as I entered, I started apologising him and he gave me an amused look. I told him how heavy the traffic was and why I could not reach there on time.

To my relief, he smiled and I let out my breath which I was holding. He was not angry anymore which was a good thing.

He had also been in a very bad company of his friends who used to use and still various stuffs to staisfy themselves. He was also a part of a well known gang which was scary. He used that side of his to get things done his way and I did not want him to turn into that guy with me.

"So you seem to be so busy lately with your girlfriend huh, too much love or just timepaas as usual? I have heard that you have been with that girl for almost four-five months, Is that true ?"

He asked me all this and I scratched the back of my neck. I did not know how to answer that. Suddenly, the thought struck me that she is still at Mohini's place and I had to get in there to meet her but I had to give him an answer too.

"Yes Siddu, whatever you have heard is right. I am with her from past five months and I am loving everything about her. This is the first time I have ever felt this way about a girl. Usually, I get bored and switch girls within a span of week, but with her its different. I still feel like our relationship just started yesterday and that spark is still there between us. Everytime I sat something cute, she blushes.
Moreover, she understands me very well and you know I am not that easy to be understood. If there is someone who could understand me is my mom, but now she is also in that list. You know what, I love her!
If I keep talking about her, it will never end."

He chuckled at that and told me that he is happy for me. I was happy for myself too.

Soon after that, I bid him goodbye and left to meet my sweetheart!


Naina's POV

For the tenth time, I checked the time in my mobile. Sahil told me that he would come back within an half an hour but it has been two hours and there is still no sign of his appearance. I was so frustrated.

Mohini laughed at me and told me not to behave like a 'love sick' Juliet as this does not suit me. I glared at her and she just laughed harder. I rolled my eyes at that. My phone rang and I know who it was, so I just answered and snapped at him.

"See! I told you, he will call, you are just back of that poor little soul! Spare him darling!!" Mohini said and I threw a pillow and her and hushed her.

Ruined By Love #wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now