Chapter 4

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I took a bar of an unhealthy chocolate from my bag because Cee had distracted me when I wanted to take my energy bar from the kitchen. I started my very short journey to school as I listened to the music on my phone. I have more than 2000 songs and I know all the words to them, which is how uneventful my life is. I was listening to Ed Sheeran's I'm A Mess which seemed to have been in coherence with my current mood.

(play song here)

The school I go to is very close my house and I listen to about 2-4 songs before I arrive depending on their lengths of course.
I usually hideout from people at school under a tree which was obviously unoccupied when I arrived so I went and sat down and started playing a word game I had recently downloaded. As I was about to plug in my headphones I heard a muffled sound of my name being called and I looked to the direction where sound was coming from.

"Morning Hale!" my History teacher said a little too enthusiastically for my liking as he walked closer to the tree I was at.

"I was hoping to find you here. Can you do me a favour?" A favour from me? I asked myself inwardly.

This historical man standing in front of me should know better. I don't do favours for people but he seemed in a hurry it wouldn't have killed me to do something nice after the kind of morning I had had.

"Of course Sir, what can I do for you this lovely morning?" Ok maybe a little too nice for my liking. Don't want him thinking I'm approachable do I?

"I have a doctor's appointment and my sister's kid just moved here and I have to leave now, may you please keep him company?" He asked looking hopeful.

I hate kids and he is asking me to entertain one for him. Why didn't he just take the kid to a day-care or something? And why was he leaving a kid in a high school?

"Uh, sure Sir he can come and sit with me over here." I said pointing at a spot that was far away from where I was sitting but he chose to ignore.

"Thank you very much. I thought you were going to refuse you don't talk much."

Well duh! I continued playing my crossword game because I didn't know what else to say and there was an awkward silence that was making me feel uncomfortable. A more socially experienced me would have known what to say.

"Let me go call him, he's in the car." Silence.

"Ok then." He said looking a little distracted as he motioned to his car. Mr Holton waved towards the car and out emerged the most mature looking child I have ever seen maybe because he wasn't a child!

He was a full grown man and I sat by my tree looking at this strange man-child and questioning myself on how these two people were even from the same bloodline?

"Uh Mr Holton I thought I was going to stay with a kid? He looks like he will be fine by himself."

"He is new Hale; the least you could do is to keep him company, you won't even have to speak to him."

"I wasn't planning on speaking to him anyway!"

"You are the only student in school right now I didn't have that much of a choice. You are never polite I didn't really expect a miracle" That's rude I thought to myself. 

It's not like you had a long list to choose from Sir. I said inwardly.

"I will see you in our lesson. I got caught up in this I forgot to ask you how your weekend was."

"Delightful!" I exclaimed sarcastically. That's if I decide to come to your stupid History lesson I already finished the senior syllabus on my own. I thought to myself as I stared at the distracting face of the man-child whilst he awkwardly stood beside his uncle.

"I'll be leaving now, see you in our lesson Hale." He said this rather abruptly as he walked toward his car.

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