Chapter 6

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"Good morning students! I'll keep reminding you that I am the best teacher at this school and failing is your choice not my fault. Let's take out our Geography textbooks, today we are getting a little physical. Get it Physical Geography. Nothing. Okay then. Let's open our books on page 20 and read on Plate Tectonics, mainly on plate boundaries and the destructive plates whilst I go the staffroom to collect your assignment cards."

I introduce you to Mr Brewster, the man who spent all his lessons laughing with neither of the students but himself. It used to be funny when I was a junior, for a week but I got tired of it. And he has been my teacher for all these years.

As soon as he walked out people closed their books and started catching up on things I had no clue about. Clarissa whose existence instantaneously angered me, was sitting in the middle row, third sit from the front when I heard Kyle say my name and I looked to the back of the class.

"Hey Hale-y!" He said with a disgusting grin.

"I don't feel like entertaining you right now." I said feeling annoyed.

"This is a shocker you are not going to pick a fight with me."

"I'm just having a notably bad morning." I murmured so he couldn't hear me. I gathered my books and stood up as I headed for the door. The moment I lifted my bag from the floor my head started aching and my fingers were trembling with anger.

I didn't know what I was angry about but I knew I had to leave the class before I did something extremely dangerous. I wasn't going to lose my temper in class because of Kyle, I have a place for my anger and I knew I had to leave that instant.

"Come on Hale-y you can't leave now I won't have anymore ugly faces to be disgusted by." Kyle said dragging the Y he enjoyed adding to my name just so he could get to me more.

"You should just die Kyle! And I want to be the cause of your death. You've called me a witch before so I think arranging your death will not be very difficult for me." I shouted at him.

The moment I said the word die I felt the aching in my head reach its climax. It was an ache of pure satisfaction as though I wanted to feel this way. As though I wanted to be the reason for his death.

It was an insatiable desire. The more I imagined him dead the lesser the headache I had. On a normal day I would have handled Kyle quite well but I quickly lost it that day and I was becoming worried.

"You've said worse." He exclaimed. 

"I am aware but you are sitting with your little slut, I didn't want her to get the wrong impression of you." I said.

"Did you just call me a slut?" asked Clarissa with a voice that was ready to challenge me.

"Yes. I happen to have. You are a highly qualified slut you should be proud of that, I would be if I was you. The problem is, if it can even be identified as a problem, that the moment you start dating Kyle if you are even dating it automatically makes you a slut." I quickly began walking away as I neared the door to the hallway. I couldn't take the unusual pain that was surging in my head so I pulled my hair out of my face and hurriedly left the room and took a long deep breathe as I entered the deserted hallway.

I entered the hallway feeling better but I had to stop when I heard Mr Brewster's ear-splitting laugh, I knew I had to move quickly before he saw me but the huge sweatshirt I was wearing was slowing me down. Out of nowhere I heard my name being called.

"Ms Peterson why are you not in class?"

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