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His sweaty hands are formed into fists by his sides, his breathing is expectedly unstable, his heart is clenching and un-clenching, as it beats faster and faster. His face is flushed with anticipation, his eyebrows are brought together, and his lips are parted in awe. All because of the girl in front of him.

She's a simple girl. But to him, she's not. She's more than simple, she's special and delicate. The way her blue hair cascades down her chest, the way her brown eyes sparkle under the moonlight at exactly 9:00 p.m. when she's at his doorstep. The way her pink soft lips move to tell him the same words everyday, just makes him go weak at the knees and his heart to skip a beat. Why does she make him feel like that? He wonders everyday. Why does it have to be him, why he's the one that has fallen in love with her? Everyone thinks it's just a silly crush, but Niall knows his feelings better than the people around him.

Once, a week ago, when she showed up delivering the box of pizza, Niall lost his shit. Literally. She was wearing a crop top with high - waisted shorts. He knew she was breaking the restaurant's rules by not wearing the uniform, but he couldn't give a damn. He was trying his best not to utter a perverted joke, but c'mon. Who is he kidding? He can't build up the confidence to tell her anything like that. He's Niall Horan for god's sake. The sweet, innocent and weird costumer in her eyes. When she handed him the box of the flaming hot pizza, he took it from her with shaking hands. But when he turned around to grab his wallet, he dropped the box and it fell all over him. Embarrassed. Embarrassed would be the word to describe how Niall felt that night. As she laughed her ass out, Niall awkwardly handed her the money with his messed up hands and then she left. Just like that.

Right now, Jade is standing in front of Niall with the same scowl she holds every night.

"G-Good evening." Niall utters as always.

Jade nods her head briefly and gets to the point quickly, "15 bucks, as usual."

Niall gets his wallet out and gives her 20 saying, "Keep the change." He then whispers. "As usual." Surprisingly, he didn't stutter this time. He takes the box from her, their hands almost brushing which makes Niall's cheek go as red as his shirt.

She chews obnoxiously loud on her gum taking the money from him. Jade turns on her heel, her hair bouncing around, and she starts walking to her motorcycle. Niall can't help himself but to check her out for the hundredth time. His eyes rake her back muscles, then slowly get down to her bum. She surely has a good ass right there, Niall thinks quietly. Not that he thought of her bum for the first time. Niall eyes her slim legs, and immediately raises his head when she hops on her motorcycle and puts the key in the ignition. The motorcycle roars to life, and to Niall's dismay, Jade drives away.

He sighs against the doorframe, and goes back inside to his humble home.

Niall sits down in the living room, placing the box on the coffee table then opening the fresh made heavenly pizza.

He takes a big bite of his first slice, daydreaming about what he'll order for tomorrow's topping so that he can see Jade again.


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