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Niall looked at his appearance for the fourth time in the mirror. He runs his fingers repeatedly through his hair (a habit of his), and styles it up in a quiff. He takes a mental note to dye it soon again. Niall ties the shoelace of his white converse, then literally pours himself with Dolce and Gabbana : The One, his favorite perfume.

He takes a deep breath and exists his apartment.

By the time he gets to his destination, he can already hear the loud music from outside. The whole backyard is full of hormonal teenagers either making out, drinking or just having a normal conversation with each other.

Niall doesn't spare the large house a second glance as he goes straight inside, searching for Luke. The place is too crowded, sweaty bodies dancing everywhere. Niall makes his way in between them until he catches a glimpse of his best friend.

"Hey Ni!"

Niall gives Luke a sided hug, and looks around frantically.

"Is she here yet?" Niall asks in a rush, still looking around.

"Yeah, she got here before you did. She's over there, c'mon." Luke guides Niall through the crowd, and they get to the kitchen.

Niall's breath gets hitched in his throat. His eyes widen, at the sight of Jade. Her black dress is barely to her thighs, her blue locks are curled messily to perfection and she has only a nude lipstick on with a winged eyeliner. Niall gazes at her, his lips parting as she smiles and talks to someone, unaware of him standing there.

 Niall gazes at her, his lips parting as she smiles and talks to someone, unaware of him standing there

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Luke chuckles cooeing at him,"You alright, Nialler?"

Niall shakes his head truthfully.

He is not okay.

He's just mesmerized by the beauty of this girl.

"Go talk to her!" Luke hits at his back to make him move forward.

Niall turns to him shaking his head vigorously,"I can't! Luke, no. She'll think I'm weird, and what if she thinks I showed up only because she's here?"

Luke rolls his eyes,"If you won't talk to her, then I will drag you there or call her over here."

Niall stays silent, but he doesn't move either.

"Hey Jade!"

Niall's eyes go wide and his heartbeat fastens as Luke smiles at Jade, who's approaching the two.

"Hey," She smiles then frowns with her eyebrows furrowing when she notices Niall.

The smile starts to creep slowly again on her red lips,"You," It's like she didn't recognize him, but then remembered who he was.

Niall relaxes a bit. He notices Luke walking away, leaving them alone.

"What are you doing here?" Jade asks him and sips from her beer.

I came to see you, Niall thinks quietly.

"I'm friends with Luke —actually best friends. And he told me to come here, you know to have some fun and yeah. I really didn't want to come but he made me." Niall rambles on like the blabbering idiot he is.

Jade gives him a funny look, giggling. "Cool."

It becomes awkwardly silent.

"You sure order a lot of pizza..." Jade says out of the blue.

Niall bursts out laughing, then he clamps his hand over his mouth, a bit embarrassed. He's always been told that his laugh is loud, but also contagious.

 He's always been told that his laugh is loud, but also contagious

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Jade giggles again, "I mean you order every night."

Niall mumbles smiling, "Yeah."

"Uh, I'll see you around." Jade smiles one more time before turning around to leave.

Niall, on the other hand, quickly gets his phone out. He swipes at the corner and the camera pops up. He takes a picture of Jade from behind.

And for the rest of the night, he keeps on taking pictures of her (of course without her noticing) to continue his collection of her in his room.

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My purpose of writing this fic, is to show how can boys be obsessed and head over heels for girls too. Because, it's so rare nowadays.

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