9 | P e p p e r o n i

242 17 3

This time is quite special and different.

Niall is super excited, not just because he's gonna see Jade tonight. But because this is his first time ordering a pepperoni pizza, and honestly, he's starving. Believe it or not, Niall never had a pepperoni pizza.

He's already ordered the pizza, and now he's just chilling in his living room, waiting for Jade to arrive with his pizza.

With it being a whole month of them going out on dates, Niall just feels speechless and...happy. Happy for once. He loves how Jade dresses up just for him. He loves how Jade looks up at him because he's taller than her. He loves how she always laughs when he laughs. He absolutely loves when Jade can act both, shy and confident around him. And let's not forget how Niall absolutely adores Jade's bum and the way her lips move swiftly when telling another story of her's.

Niall loves when Jade twirls a lock of her blue hair around her finger in a flirtatious way.

Niall loves when Jade smiles for no reason while looking at him.

Niall loves when Jade gets annoyed, upset, or mad.

Niall loves Jade.

And it's time for him to take their relationship to the next level.

Yes, you read right.

Niall Horan, taking things, to the next level.

He doesn't know how, but he just knows that it's gonna be tonight.

Niall sighs happily, his hand laying softly on his tummy while smiling up at the ceiling.

His phone though, interrupts his beautiful thoughts when it vibrates against his thigh. He fishes it out from under him, quickly unlocking it.

Niall rolls his eyes at Luke's silly, silly text.

Lukers: heeyyyy loverboiiii hows life

Niall: what's up

Lukers: how are ya? How's everything going with pizza girl😏🖕🏻

Niall: everything's going well until you interrupted me 😒😒😒😒😒

Lukers: what were you doing huh 😏

Read at 9:38 pm

Lukers: Nialler

Read at 9:39 pm

Lukers: dont ignore me niiii

Read at 9:39 pm

Niall throws his phone on the couch as he dashes out of the living room when he hears the doorbell ringing. Looking in the mirror, checking his breath, and fixing his shirt, Niall finally opens the door and—

What the fuck?

In front of Niall stands a 16 year old looking guy with a cheeky smile, and wild, wild curly brown hair, holding his precious pizza that his precious Jade should be holding. Seeing the boy makes Niall speechless and confused.

Where the hell is Jade?! Niall exclaims in his mind.

Seriously, what the hell is going on?


Niall blinks twice, locking his eyes with a pair of emerald green ones. He has to squint his eyes properly at the boy to remember what on earth just happened.

"Here's your pizza, sir."

Niall doesn't take the box of pizza from the boy though, he just keeps on staring at him, trying to wrap his mind around Jade not being here.

"Who—w-what? Where's Jade?"

The boy furrows his eyebrows, "I don't know what you're talking about, sir." He extends his hand more. "Here's your pizza."

Niall takes it this time, quickly giving him the money and shutting the door.

Niall then decides to call Jade, and know what the fuck just happened.


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