Chapter 7: Boos Last Strike!

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Last chapter, things didn't turn out well for Rubert and the Boos in general, as they have been tasked with one more thing to do. Let's see how they'll develop it exactly.

"Alright guys, we got everything set! We'll distract Mario, Luigi and Yoshi so the Koopalings and Bowser have time to kidnap the Princess!" Rubert Boo explained, outside the Mario Bros. House.
"Ok. We're 4, that should be enough." Benard added.
"Yeah." Rocky said.
"So, now may I do whatever I want?" Rick asked.
"No! You'll only distract! When you see us you'll get out of whoever you are possesing!" Rubert told Rick, and Rick simply sighed in annoyance.
"Fine... I hate rules."
"Well, now. Let's go!" Rubert said, and he headed to Mario's, while the other 3 went separate ways.
Inside the house, Mario and Luigi were having a fine round of Mario Kart 8.
"Heh heh, I'm winning!" Mario commented.
"No you won't!" Luigi replied, and focused himself more on the game.
Just then, Rubert Boo appeared out of the TV, and surprised the Bros.
"SURPRISE!" Rubert yelled loudly.
"GAH! A BOO!" Luigi yelled back and fell out behind the couch.
"Don't try to run!" Rubert said and quickly dashed towards Luigi, getting into him.
"Huh?! Luigi?! You alright?!" Mario asked and took a peek behind the couch.

Down at Yoshi's Island, Yoshi was taking a walk through the outskirts.

"Ahh, what a nice night!" Yoshi commented, when then, Red Yoshi came running towards him.
"Hey! Yoshi! We got trouble!" Red said to Yoshi hastily.
"Yes! I got no time to talk! Now, quick, to the Plaza!" Red said, and ran away, Yoshi following suit.
When they got there, Yoshi got surprised by what he saw.

Smoke and flames shrouded some of the night sky, over at Toad Plaza, as everyone stayed indoors, as ordered by Mario.

"TOADS! PLEASE STAY IN YOUR HOUSES!!!! A WILD LUIGI IS LOOSE IN TOWN!!! IF YOU CAN CALL THE POLICE FOR HELP!!!!" Mario yelled, as he saw already burning houses and trees. Down the road, a crazed Luigi stood.
"Do you think the Police will help?!" Luigi yelled at Mario, ready with a hammer in hand.
"While I'm here, they will!" Mario said and rushed towards Luigi, but only got attacked as a response.
"Dah! What's gotten into you now?!" he asked, and prepared for another strike.

Even if chaos was inminent here, Yoshi's Island Plaza is where things went down, as 3 Yoshi's tried to hold off 3 more in a fierce fight.

"Quick! Blue! Over here!" Yoshi signaled to Blue Yoshi, who was at the crossroad of battle.
"Coming!" Blue responded, but then a possesed Yellow Yoshi grabbed him.
"Ha! Got you!" Yellow laughed and flung Blue Yoshi towards a street light, and dashed towards Yoshi.
"Yoshi! This is getting complicated! We need help!" Red Yoshi said as he attempted to hold off an attacking Black Yoshi with a wood plank.
"Yup... I'll call Mario for help!" Yoshi responded, and dodged Yellow's attack.
Just then, Benard was behind Yoshi, and Red noticed him. "Yoshi! Behind you!"
"Huh?!" Yoshi turned back to see Benard, who charged towards him. Quickly enough, Yoshi ducked the Boo, but Red ended up taking the hit instead.
"Red! You ok?!"
"Indeed! I didn't get you, but at least I got your friend!" Benard said in Red's voice, as his eyes flashed red.
"Ah no... That means..." Yoshi thought and then, Blue Yoshi ran towards him and pushed him aside.
"They're all possesed! Yellow, Red and Black!" Blue told him quickly.
"Drats, the Boos are at it again... Take shelter! I'll call Mario for help!" Yoshi said to Blue, and he nodded, going into a house. Yoshi hastily left towards the Mushroom Kingdom.

Down on the final stretch of craziness, Mario and Luigi kept fighting, and another explosion could be heard.

"Alright! Luigi, or whoever's taking control of him! Drop the game! Now!" Mario said, while the Police behind him guided Toads safely.
"Hah! You just don't know when to give up!" Luigi said back.
"We'll see about that!" Mario yelled, and just then, and airship came down from the clouds.
"Hey! Rubert! The plan is finished! Enough distraction!" Kamek said, riding the ship.
"Ok! But first..." Luigi replied, and looked at Mario.
"What?! What does this mean?!" Mario yelled.
"Nothing that you should care about!" Kamek answered back.
Then, Luigi hit Mario with the hammer, making him crash against a house, and make a door fall down.
"Now now! That was one of the best things I've done! Hoo hoo!" Rubert said to himself, and got out of Luigi, and entered the ship, which dashed off in the distance.
"Huh?... Mario? What happened?" Luigi asked, disoriented.
"Aha... So you were possesed... Ouch..." Mario said.
"Wait, really?!"
"Yup..." Mario sighed.
"Hey, Mr Luigi!" Officer Toadley called Luigi.
"You will have to pay for quite the destruction you made...." Toadley pointed out.
"Oh no... What did I destroy?!" Luigi said, worried.
"Let's see... You destroyed 3 houses, burnt down some trees and almost half of your house." Toadley explained.
"Oh... ... How much I have to pay?" Luigi asked.
"Around... 20,000 coins." Toadley replied.
Then, Luigi stood there speechless, and fainted.
"Don't worry officer. Those coins will be ready in a few weeks." Mario told Toadley.
"Ok... Hey, there comes your dinosaur friend!" Toadley pointed at Yoshi.
"Hey, Mario!! I think it's over, but we had trouble at the Island!" Yoshi said.
"Really? Let me guess, Boos?" Mario asked.
"Yeah! It was 3 of them! They possesed some Yoshis, and it was chaos!" Yoshi said.
"Well, here we had only one, that possesed Luigi, and everything went nuts!" Mario replied.
"Oh.... Well, something's a little off about this." Yoshi thought out loud.
"You think so?" Mario asked, puzzled.
"Yes. This Boo chaos was so sudden and messed up... I think something else is behind this...." Yoshi explained.
"You're right." Mario replied, and looked down the slightly devastated plaza.

At Bowser's Castle, Bowser successfully managed to get Peach and Daisy,  as the Boos prevented Mario from doing anything.

"Argh! Somebody get me out of here! And what's Daisy doing here?!" Peach yelled, knocking the door of the cage she and Daisy were in.
"Yeah! What's the reason to kidnap me?!" Daisy asked.
"Well, there's a chance that Luigi obviously may interrupt our plan... Along with Mario... So I'll use you for life or death options! Heh." Kamek explained calmly.
"Oh no... That's not good." Peach said.
"Of course is not. Heh heh." Kamek added.
"Ha ha ha! You Boos did great! The last part of our plan is right around the corner!" Bowser said, entering the room.
"And what about our ability?" Rubert asked.
"Oh, Yeah. Not that we need it. But perhaps it can be used for our second stage of the plan..." Kamek said, and trailed off in his thoughts.

Hi! How's the story looking to you so far? :D
Sorry if the image is a little misleading... But what I wrote is what matters :P
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Also sorry for the delays! I'll promise I'll get on working with the stories!
Well, see ya next chapter!

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