Chapter 8: A Ghostly Kidnapping

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Last chapter, things went haywire all across the Mushroom Kingdom and Yoshi's Island. The Boos were released to cause their final mischief. Everyone was pretty entertained for a while. Now we'll see why....

"Well, Luigi, you feeling better?" Mario asked his brother while repairing a door.

"Yeah... Please don't remind me the amount of coins I have to pay... Ugh...." Luigi replied, thinking of the coins he owed for everything​.

"Don't worry, we'll pay that fast!" Mario assured Luigi, and just then, Toad came running to them, scared.

"Mario! Luigi! I got really bad news!" Toad yelled.

"Huh? What is it?" Mario asked.

"The princess has been kidnapped! But there's something wrong..." Toad said.

"We weren't at the castle?" Luigi asked.

"No! There were no security guards nor police around! And they have been recently patrolling the Castle!" Toad explained.

"Oh... Umm... When did you find out that Peach was kidnapped?" Mario asked.

"Just now!" Toad replied.

"And if some minutes ago I was fighting Luigi..." Mario trailed off as je thought.

Luigi was also thinking, and snapped his fingers as he got an idea of what was happening.

"You know, apparently some Boos attacked at Yoshi's Island using Yoshis, and that Boo that lead the big attack here possesed me!" Luigi said confidently.

"Ok... I know all that." Mario replied.

"So, the most probable answer is that the Boos were distracting me, you and Yoshi so Bowser could kidnap Peach!" Luigi figured out. Wouldn't have taken a detective, but everything seemed so messed up after what happened.

"Yeah, that's it! This was but a distraction mission... We need to get going!" Mario said.

"Wait, we're going to Bowser's Castle?" Luigi said, not feeling ready.

"Of course! Let's a go! If we find Yoshi through he'll come with us!" Mario replied, and dashed off. Luigi followed behind.

"Good luck guys!" Toad waved as he saw them take off.

Meanwhile​, on Gray Wood Forest*, Yoshi was in the middle of it, tied up and guarded by a Koopa and a Para Troopa...

"Agh! Someone! Help!" Yoshi cried out, in hopes that someone would hear him.

"Don't you even try escaping!" The Koopa said as he approached his spear he had in hand to him.

"Umm... You know this is just to bring the Mario Bros. So they kidnap Yoshi, along with themselves." The Para Koopa said, looking at Yoshi and then his spear.

"Wait, what? Why can't we just take Yoshi ourselves and then come again for the Mario Bros.?" Koopa asked, dumbfounded.

"What do you think I know? I guess that's why we brought the Boos with us." Para Koopa replied, pointing to a rock, where Rubert Boo and Benard were hiding.

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