Chapter 15

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*I'm not including really much about what had happened at the bar because...well you'll just have to read;) And also it'll change POV (point of view) A LOT during this chapter.*

________________________________The Next Morning_______



I wake up uneasily and next to Grantaire. The whole room was spinning. I was in a daze. I couldn't remember what happened last night. I couldn't even remember leaving Éponine and Gavroche's. if I couldn't remember that, how was I supposed to know how come I'm in bed with Grantaire? Why were we in the same bed?

I tried to go over what had happened last night in my head, but nothing came to mind. Last thing I remembered he was confessing something to me and then it's all a blur. My eyes widen. Did we...? No! We couldn't have! I look under the blanket, I've been clutching tightly to my chest and see I'm fully clothed. Thankfully, so is he.

I let out a sigh of relief. What had happened last night? I fall back against the pillows, wanting to groan in annoyance. I didn't want to wake up Grantaire though. What if we had done something? I'm only focusing on what happened last night. What happened last night?!?

I remember going to the bar. We were together. It looked filthy. Then I remember having a few drinks, then nothing. A long time later I can vaguely remember him trying to confess something to me because of this game we were playing and...nothing.

I can feel Grantaire stir slowly beside me. What do I need to do? What did we do? Should I ask him? Would that be too awkward? Did he remember what happened? He slowly wraps his arms around my waist and I freeze. What was his confession last night? I can't even remember that. I have a hunch it's something about me though...

"Grantaire," I whisper. He finally wakes up and slowly looks at me.

"Mademoiselle," he says. He's still holding onto my waist.

"What exactly happened last night?" I ask.

"You don't remember?" he asks puzzled.

"No, I remember some. I remember getting there, drinking, and vaguely our game of pool and 'I never'. I don't remember what happened after we played that confession game though. I actually only remember we played it but not what I was doing during it," I admit. "I was pretty...out of it by then..."

"I thought you would remember what happened after the end of the pool game and the confession session," he said smirking.

"What happened?" I asked curiously.

"You kissed me," he said. I can feel my mouth fall in shock.

"I kissed you?" I ask.

"Yes, but that's not all."

"Oh no! We didn' know...did we?" I ask quickly.

"No," he replies.

"Great!" I say, letting out a sigh of relief. If we had done that, I knew Courfeyrac would never forgive me no matter how much I begged. Actually he would forgive me, and I wouldn't forgive myself. I know that and that's what would've made the whole thing terrible. "But what did we do other than kiss?"

"Well we were kissing for nearly ten minutes," he says. I can feel myself shudder. "Then you got to talking..."

"How come we're together in a bed?" I asked. I was sort of shocked by the thought.

"From everything you said. I took you back to the apartment then you begged me to stay with you," he says.

"And you're holding my waist because?" I ask rather harshly.

Les Miserables: The Flame That Never DiesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin