Chapter 19

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-Author's Note-

Sorry about such a LONG update after using a cliffhanger...things happened, but everything is okayish now so I can update! I'm also going to be a bit busy till July 2nd (Tuesday) so not sure if I'll be able to update before then...


"Gabrielle, what's in the letter?" I asked. She was staring at it intently. She would casually shake her head a few times as she read. Whatever was in there, it was important. "Gabrielle-"

"It's nothing," she quickly snapped. She quickly shut the letter and stuffed it back into the envelope. She pointed to me. "I didn't just read that."

"As long as you show me what's in there, I'll go along with your story," I say.

"No, no. I-I can't tell you that," she stammers, shaking her head slightly and looking at the ground. She looks back up to me. "Please?"

"Why do you have to lie about whether or not you've read the letter?" I asked.

"Because of what's in there. Just please don't tell Enjolras I've read it. He's the only one- well there's Gavroche too, but he's the one who wrote it. Gavroche, Leah, and I are the only ones who have read it and that's the way it's staying. Please help me," she begged.

"Fine," I say. "Go to class?" I asked carefully. She nodded. Whatever was in there she was freaking out over. I had no clue, but I'd just make it a task to ask her later. When she had calmed down over whatever was in that letter.

"Wait, who all has art?" she quickly asked.

"It's only me and Éponine, and now you too," I answer.

"You're not telling anyone about the letter, are you?" she asked.

"I already said I wouldn't," I say.



"Alright," she says. She sighs and hands it to me. "Just read it so I know I'm not imagining what it says. Read it out loud."

"Are you sure?" I asked taking the letter. She nodded and I quickly opened it. I only skimmed the first few lines before skipping to the bottom.

"You're not reading out loud," she said.

I cleared my throat. "I-I just can't really believe it. You're not imagining it."

"Read it out loud?" she suggested. I looked over at her quizzically. "I just want to hear it."

"Fine," I say taking in a deep breath. I cleared my throat and held the letter out in front of me.

" 'Dear Gabrielle,

I'd like to say-' Gabrielle, I'm sorry I can't do this," I said to her. She nodded. "What will you say to him about the letter though?"

"I think...I think I'll tell him I had no free time to read over the letter. I just," she said sighing deeply. "I can't deal with this."

"Fair enough," I say. I was honestly curious to see how she'd respond. I glanced over the letter again. I looked over at her again. She had her gaze set distractedly on nothing in particular. "Ready to go?" I asked. She looked back to me and nodded. "Let's go then, mademoiselle."



Art went by quickly. It was nearly over now. Gabrielle was sitting in between Éponine and me. Gabrielle had basically seemed to be alright with what had happened yesterday morning. Even if I had lied to her, it was better than how awkward everything had been. She was seemingly adjusting and acting as if yesterday morning never happened. I guess she bought into the whole "I don't remember anything" and "I was probably still drunk that morning" excuse.

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