Chapter 25

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"She's chickening out, yet again," Éponine said to Enjolras before walking off and leaning against the kitchen table.

Enjolras walked into the room, looking all around. I can do this, I repeated over and over again in my head.

"Where is she?" he asked Éponine.

Éponine sighed and rolled her eyes. "She's in my room. Just give her a minute."

I could hear Enjolras take a deep breath. "If she doesn't want to do this, I'll understand," he says. I can hear the disappointment in his voice. I take a deep breath and open up the door.

They both turn and stare at me. Éponine nods to me with a smirk on her face. Enjolras had his mouth slightly open upon seeing me.

No one talked for a while. "So hi," I say awkwardly. Éponine puts a hand to her forehead. She mouths 'Hi? Really?' and I just roll my eyes. Enjolras shakes his head once quickly and blinks.

"Hi," he says giving off a hint of nervous laughter. "S-should we go? Or are you ready?"

"Enjolras, relax," I say laughing a little. "Let's go."

"You two are so awkward yet adorable right now," Éponine said. We both turned and looked at her and she pulled her hands back defensively. "Ruining the moment. Got it. I'll just go back to my room. Have fun," she says. She walks right beside me and whispers, "Relax, you're both so tense."

I nodded once and she quickly walked inside her room, closing the door.

"She's right," he said. I nodded. "Well, let's go."

I walk over beside him and he holds out his hand. I hesitate, then go ahead and take it. He smiles. "You truly look beautiful," he whispers.

"Thanks," I say, blushing and glancing to the ground.

"Sorry, this is just my first date..." he says slowly.

"Technically, mine too," I say. He raises his eyebrows, but quickly shakes his head once and smiles once more.

"Let's go then." We walk out to his car. He holds the door open for me and then walks over to his side of the car. What was happening? He wasn't being his normal self. He was much nicer now.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but you seem suspiciously nice," I say laughing. "What is it?"

"I just thought you'd like it better this way," he says.

"For us, I think it's more fun when we act normally," I say. "Don't worry about being nice. Just act normal," I say.

"Got it," he says. "How normal?"

"Normal, with boundaries," I say. He looks at me questioningly.


"Don't kiss me unless I say so, for one," I look at him. He nods once, grinning. I think about it for a minute. "I guess that's it."

"That's all?"

"That's it I guess, but it's the major one."

"Alright," he says. "Ready?"

"Ready," I say taking a deep breath. This was actually happening. What WAS happening? All it was was a date. Nothing more. What was supposed to happen on this date?

"Where are we going for this?" I asked. "Anywhere in particular or are you just kidnapping me?"

"Yes, I'm kidnapping you. Get in the van," he said chuckling. "No we're just going on a picnic."

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