Chapter 20

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"So she was with you yesterday?" I asked, turning towards Enjolras. He was looking out to the doorway where she had just ran out.

"Do you think he really loves her?" he asked, still staring out at the doorway in an apparent daze.

"Yes," I replied. "But after your letter I think she's confused," I said using hand gestures to try and get his attention.

"Letter?" he asked snapping his attention straight to me. "Letter? She read it?"

I nodded. "And better yet, she showed me." He shook his head and put his hands to the back of his head. He closed his eyes, sighed, and waited a couple of seconds. Was he literally counting to ten? People actually did that?

"Are you alright?" I asked slowly. He opened his eyes and put his hands down by his sides again.

"She let you read the letter?" he replied. I nodded. He sighed again and put his hands to his face for a second then returned them back to his sides. "No one was supposed to see that. No one."

"It was very detailed," I said smirking. "So completely enchanting. You know, if I still loved you like before I'm sure I'd hate you then."

He laughed. "You're over that, aren't you?"

"Yes," I replied.

"Good. The way you looked at me was just creepy," he says chuckling. "You made it so obvious."

"And you never said anything?" I asked. I might not love him anymore, but did he have to be so blunt about the fact that he never loved me? I mean, I might not love him and it shouldn't matter but try to make it a little less offensive please!

"I didn't want to upset you."

"Well, you should've at least said, 'I'm dedicated to the revolution' or some other load of crap."

"Are you actually upset about this?" he asked.

I shook my head. "It doesn't really matter, does it?"

"No it doesn't. Now, you actually read the letter?" he said seriously.

"Yes," he said. "Shall I quote it?" I ask teasingly.

"Don't," he said in an attempt to sound threateningly.

"Oh where to begin? Let's just do the beginning. 'Dear Gabrielle, I'd just like to say I'm truly sorry about anyway that I've been acting harshly towards you-'"

"Stop it R," he said.

"'It's just that I love you. Seeing you with Courfeyrac is torturous. Then with Grantaire of all people. How could you honestly be close with him?' You know I'm offended by that part Enjy," I say mockingly.


"Oh I forgot the next part. Wait- no! 'It's not my place. I just want you to know I truly care about you. I love you. I know that you love Courfeyrac or you think you do, but I love you-'"

"Grantaire, stop this or I swear-"

"You swear you'll do what?" I say. He shakes his head. "That what I thought. Now where were we? Oh yeah! 'I know you know this. I don't know how many times I've said it. I know you don't believe it though-'"

"Stop!" he shouted. He looked at me as if this was back in the days of planning the revolution- er June Rebellion and I was annoying him. He looked at me as if I was a worthless drunkard who he wanted to kill. Back then, that look both terrified me and was the worst thing he could do to me. Now though, I didn't really care about him. That look was only hilarious.

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