Chapter 26

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~Author's Note~

One quick thing...don't kill me for this chapter, okay? Alright...


"Goodbye," I say. We were at my apartment again. He nods once. He had been silent for the drive. I could understand. I had nearly told him nothing was going to change. I could understand why he'd be upset. "Enjolras, please say something," I say.

"What's there to say?" he said. "You love him. That's all there is to it, isn't it?"

"No," I say. "That's not it. That's not all of it. There's more to it. I love him. I love you too. I just- I just have to think."

"Go ahead," he says. "Take all the time. It's already been- what? One hundred years?"

"Enjolras," I say. "Don't."

"Did this change anything? Did this date- if you can call it that- change anything?" he asks.

"Yes," I say. "Now, I'm even more confused."

"What's so confusing about everything?" he asked. "It's not confusing."

"It is. I love him. I love you. I can't forget what I have with him, but I can't forget you and last night," I say. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. "I'm sorry. I just don't know."

"Relax," he said. "Just think about it."

"I can't, I don't have any time," I say.

"Skip the lake, and just sit at your apartment."

"Seriously? Everyone's supposed to be there," I say. He looks at me. "Okay, everyone minus you. And I've got to go before Grantaire wakes up." I turn and open the door.

"One more thing," he said catching my wrist. I turned around knowing what was going to happen. He put his hand on the nape of my neck, leaning in and kissing me. I touch the side of his face and he pulls away. "Just something to think about," he said smiling. "Where do you think this is going?"

"I don't know. I just- I just don't want to lose you," I say.

He smiled and nodded, "Well I'm not going anywhere."

"I don't think I should go to the lake," I say.

"Do whatever you want," he says smiling. "You love me and you've admitted it. I'm kind of worried of pushing my luck."

"You best be," I say. "I've gotta go."

"So do I," he says. I smile and open the door.

"Bye Enjolras," I say.

"Bye," he replied. I quickly walk through the entrance of my building. I walked up the stairs and opened the door to my apartment. Éponine and Grantaire were sitting at the kitchen table, facing the door. Grantaire had his arms crossed and was trying to suppress a smile.

"Where have you been?" Grantaire asks.

"I went out," I say.

"So you and Enjolras-"

"No!" I say, cutting him off. He and Éponine laugh. "No. Enjolras took me to this field. We stayed there all night. Only sleeping. We only slept. I didn't even mean to go to sleep there."

"You went to sleep?" Grantaire said. "Hot date."

"It wasn't even a real date," I say. "It barely was."

"Uh huh, so how many times did you kiss?" Éponine said. I rolled my eyes. "That much?"

"Okay it was about five times. That's all," I say. "And that's at the most." I honestly wasn't sure if we had kissed that many times or not. Either way, I wasn't telling them that.

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