Chapter 27

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-Author's Note-

I've been italicizing words and stuff so if I ever miss one it'll be completely capitalized LIKE THIS< So yeah if you ever see that, that's supposed to be italicized and I messed it yeah.

Also this is probably going over Chapter 30. Actually this is going over chapter 30...I just have a lot planned and can't fit all of it in only 3 chapters...sorry!

And yeah...don't kill me over this chapter either, okay? Good...


"We're actually getting married," Courfeyrac whispered". "I can't believe it."

"Me neither," I say. I truly couldn't. I had actually agreed. I was engaged. I was engaged.

We were still at the lake, but had moved out of the water, up against a tree. We were sitting how we normally do. I had was leaning against his chest with his arms wrapped around me. I had my pink tank top thrown over my bikini. I pulled my hair back into a messed up pony tail. "I still can't believe it. We're engaged.

"I know," he said.

"Should we keep this a secret for a while?" I asked.


"Well, just until we figure out a way to tell Enjolras," I say. "I don't have any idea what he might do if we don't tell him carefully."

"Are you sure?" Courfeyrac asked, uneasily. "You did tell him you didn't love him last night. Maybe he'll be over it."

I knew that wasn't true for sure. I started remembering the date last night. How long before I'd tell Courfeyrac about what had actually happened? I'd have to tell him sometime. Sometime, but definitely not now.

"Maybe," I say. It doesn't sound at all like I believe it. I don't. He nods.

"If you want to wait to tell the others, then we can wait," he says slowly. I know he doesn't like the idea. I actually like the idea somewhat. I wasn't ready to plan a wedding. I wasn't ready for everyone to know. I just wanted it to be a secret. Just for a while.

"I just think we should wait for a few days," I say. Correction: I think we should just wait a few weeks. I wasn't ready for this. I wasn't ready to be married. I wasn't even ready for that literature class on Monday!

"Then we'll wait," he whispered. I could feel him right beside me, completely. I turned around and kissed him.

I pulled away and smiled. "Maybe we'll tell them sooner."

"Great," he said, smiling.


"It's been three hours. What could they be doing?" I asked Grantaire. He gave me a look and I rolled my eyes. "Do you think he proposed? Do you think she said yes? Are they getting married?"

"Slow down!" Grantaire said. He laughed. "They've only been gone for three hours. They're probably swimming still."

"But he's probably proposed! Something's happened. I know something happened," I protest. "Something's happened."

"What do you think has happened?"

"They're engaged!" I say. "They must be! I know it!"

"Ép, they're not," he says. "I know they're not. Why would they be?"

"Hmm, I don't know. He's in love with her and she loves him. He probably would've proposed to her back then by now."

Grantaire took a deep breath and nodded. "You're right. They're engaged."

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