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The summer was coming to a close, which meant I’d be leaving to go back to school soon. All I kept thinking about was how I didn’t want to leave Cody. Although I knew I need too. I had to get back to our place and sort my stuff out, as well as get my book for my classes. I dreaded going back, but I needed too. I promised my mother that I’d stay in school and not drop out and become Set It Off’s personal roadie.

        “Gabby?” Cody called from the front seat.

        I smiled, “What’s up?”

        “You know today is our last show together, right?” he asked.

        I sighed, “Seriously? Can we not talk about that?”

        “Well I think we should, since we’ve already booked your flight and my mother is expecting you tomorrow.” He replied.

        “When’s my flight?’ I asked.

        “It’s at 10 o’clock tonight.” He stated.

        I frowned, “Can’t I just put a hold on school?”

        “No.” Maxx yelled from behind me, “You will not hold off on school.”

        “You know, I’m getting really tired of your whole macho brother act.” I snapped, “Go away Maxx.”

        “Maxx is right, you’re not putting school on hold and you’re going home right after tonight’s show, end of discussion.” Cody replied.

        I sighed, “Yes father.”

        “Hey.” Cody snapped, “Can you not?”

        We all started too laughed and I wanted nothing more than for this moment to ever end. But unfortunately I knew it had too. I wish I hadn’t signed up to start school in the fall, why couldn’t I just wait? I wanted nothing more than to further my education. But at the same time I wasn’t willing to miss, Cody. But I knew he’d be home in two short weeks and I’d have him for a whole month before the next tour started.

Together Forever [Sequel to Dream Catcher]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ