Chapter Twenty-Two

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Weeks had passed since Cody had proposed to me. We had already picked a dated, February 14th. That was only giving me a month to prepare for the wedding and get everything planned, with the help of his sister and mother of course. We were running out of time and with only a week and a half left before the wedding Rey was coming over every day. I was also back in school. After those two long months of break, I needed to be back in school. Being home while Cody was away on tour again was so hard.

        I knew he’d be back soon enough; he and the guys were going to be arriving back in town a week before the wedding. I knew it would be hard on them more, due to being so tired. I was rather nervous about that week, since they needed to come home then the following day get their suits and be prepared for the rehearsal dinner the day after. We were definitely cutting it close with their arrival home from tour.

        I stood in front of a wall of mirrors as I tried on my wedding gown. I smiled as the women helping me zipped it up. I knew this would be the one and I had the strongest feeling in my stomach telling me Cody’s mother would agree. I turned to the door as the women; Sabrina opened it and stepped out. I smiled as I walked closer and closer to the room my soon-to-be mother-in-law sat with my soon-to-be sister-in-law. 

        I turned the corner, with each step I began to sweat. I stood inches from the final turn and breathed out a deep sigh as I stepped out. I heard gasp and I could tell I was right. I looked up to see Stephanie with her hands covering her mouth. I stood up in front of the mirrors to see how I looked from every view only the see tears rolling from Cambia’s eyes. I stepped down and walked over to her. I wrapped my arms around her neck.

        She smiled into crook of my neck, “I never thought I’d meet the girl who’d become Mrs. Cody Carson.”

        “I never thought I’d be marring a guy in a band.” I said jokingly.

        Stephanie laughed, “I’m sure your mother didn’t either.”

        I smiled and turned around to look at myself once more before stepping up in front the large wall of mirrors. I pulled my phone out, I wanted nothing more than to take a picture and send it to Cody. I knew if I did, I’d have my phone taken away and be told to remove my dress and find a new one. I ignored the gut feeling of being yelled at and pulled open my camera on my phone.

        Of course just like I suspected Cambia’s hand came flying out of nowhere and swatted the phone from my hand, making is break apart on the ground. I turned around with a half a smile, but I was frowning due to my phone being broken on the floor. I knew Cody wouldn’t be happy to hear that his sister broke my phone and that I’d need a new one.

        “Don’t you dare send him a picture!” She snapped.

        I sighed, “Well I can’t even text him now because you broke my phone.”

        “Well, good! He’s not supposed to see the dress.” She countered.

        Stephanie walked up and placed her hands on Cambia’s shoulders, “Calm down, she has every right to want to show Cody. I mean he will be her husband.”

        I smiled, “See, mom gets it!”

        “Oh… dammit. I’m sorry for breaking your phone; I promise I’ll tell Cody.” She replied as she hugged me, “But still don’t show Cody, it needs to be a surprise.”

        I sighed, “I mean how surprising does it really need to be, it’s not like we’re doing this traditionally, remember? The baby comes after the marriage, not before and well we already bust that tradition.”

Together Forever [Sequel to Dream Catcher]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن