Chapter Sixteen

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Well today is the day I leave, I go on tour and all I can think is how Gabby is sick and I’m going away. Why do I have leave right as she gets the flu? I knew she’d be fine but I just felt guilty leaving her behind to get better. I want to be able to bring her soup in bed and snuggle her until she’s feeling better again. I also don’t want to miss her and let’s face it I know I will. I felt her move next to me and I looked at her. She smiled at me and I could suddenly see green flush across her face.

        Before I knew it I was alone in bed and I could hear her hurling into the toilet. I slowly got up from the bed and started to walk to the bathroom but she waved me away. I sat on the floor and leaned against the threshold, I knew I couldn’t just leave her alone, even if she wanted me too. When she finally stopped throwing up she slowly stood up and walked over to sink to brush her teeth.

        “Cody?” she asked.

        I smiled, “Yes babe?”

        “You know I don’t want you to leave, right?” she asked, quietly.

        “Yes, I know. I don’t want to leave but I need too.” I replied.

        She sighed, “Exactly, you need too. So please stop hovering, I love you I do. But if you watch me throw up one more time, I actually might pull a gun out on you just to get you out of this apartment and to the airport.”

        “You’re not serious are you?” I asked, she grinned. “Alright I get it; I need to be on that plane to London I got it.”

        “That’s right you do.” She replied still grinning.

        I sighed, “Are you not telling me something?”

        “Like what?” she asked.

        “I have no idea, I just feel like you’re hiding something from me.” I admitted.

        She smiled as she wiped her mouth off. She walked over to me, and pressed her lips lightly to mine, “I’m not sweetie.”

        I smiled and kissed her back. I picked her up and walked her into the room. I laid her down on the bed, only for someone to knock on the door. I let out a sigh and walked over to the door to see Rachael standing in front of me.

        “What’s up, Rey?” I asked.

        She smiled, “I’d like to speak with your girlfriend, alone.”

        “About?” I asked, confused.

        “Umm, it’s about girl stuff.” She said, hesitantly. “Now out, go; get!”

        I sighed, “Fine but I’m making breakfast then, the guys out there?”

        “Yes, now GO!” she yelled.

        I pushed Cody out of the room, only for him to turn around. I pushed him again before slamming the door. Why was he so pushy today? I turned to look at a very scared Gabby, staring back at me. I smirked at her and she fell into the bed. I walked over and sat down on the end of the bed. I needed her to finally man up and tell Cody, he can’t leave not knowing. I love Gabby, she’s an amazing best friend, but if she was going to sit back and keep this from the only guy I really care about, I might have to kill her.

        “What’s up, Rach?” she asked.

        I sighed, “You still haven’t told him, have you?”

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